Smoking Rhodiola Rosea powder

Discussion in ‘Misc Chat‘ started by Ubiyca, Dec 28, 2007.


    Ubiyca New Member

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    I know this is rare.. but smoking it creates a pretty interesting feeling.. although im worried about dangers.. what do you think?

    TiM Prob’ly Bigger than You Admin

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    Me thinkst that smoking anything – "herbal" – could have some negative effects. Not sure how great an idea this is. Might rank up there with snorting alka seltzer. (Don’t try that…it sucks.)

    TTewell New Member

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    Sounds like it would give you a high kind of a feeling with but "in the zone"?

    Scheizekopf New Member

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    I’d be kinda scared to try anything like that.

    JohnnyB New Member

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    Smoking the rhodiola eh? Heahah

    I think what you feel is the effect of monoamine oxidase, a optimisation of serotonin, dopamine etc. due to the rhodiola.

    Now this effect, like an antidepressant drug in its properties, is not good for you I can tell you. Theres a whole lot of stuff you can mess up especially mentally if you get addicted to that "high" or you might feel you eventually need a stronger high when the rhodiola does not do it for you anymore.
    Compounds that messes with stuff like dopamine levels, even if its minimal like rhodiola and such, can put you on a slippery slope pretty fast.

    So I too would not smoke this, if I were you

    thesinner Moderator

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    Smoking ANYTHING makes for the direct inhalation of rapidly degrading hydrocarbons. This leads to a nice helping of beta particles right into your lungs.

    JohnnyB New Member

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    Yeep! I`m just glad I didnt start to smoke when I was young(er) and dumb(er)

    A beta particle.. is that a radioactive particle?

    thesinner Moderator

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    Yeah, a beta particle is the largest radiation particle. It’s actually a helium isotope. Beta particles outside the body are virtually harmless and usually ricochet off the skin, but when it gets inside the body (i.e. the lungs) that’s where you jack up the millirem (unit of radation).

    JohnnyB New Member

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    Aaah so that makes it Ionizing radiation. Not something you want inside your body to say the least

    Well I see, you really know your stuff sinner!

    TiM Prob’ly Bigger than You Admin

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    So what you’re saying here, Sinner, is that my smoking for the past 10 years has filled me with so much radiation that it has caused me to grow into a giant-sized, SuperBeast? (PS – quitting, so no worries…)

    health mode New Member

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    WOW!! I didn’t know that.. I’m glad i quit.. i don’t know all of those terms but it doesn’t sound good.. what about x-smokers? will i recover well?

    thesinner Moderator

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    This is merely one of the ways which smoking can cause cancer. Stopping smoking is definitely a great way to go, and will greatly decrease your chances or risk. Of course, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, and the best way to go is to never start.

    It is, however, a common misconception to think that smoking herbs (marijuana, salvia, rhodiola) is perfectly fine as long as it isn’t tobacco. Inhaling ashes, regardless of origin, isn’t exactly something you want to be doing a lot of.

    TiM Prob’ly Bigger than You Admin

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    Any particulate matter in the air can cause devastating effects on the lungs if inhaled over a long period of time. Black lung from coal miners, mesothelioma from asbesthos, and goodness knows what else from just breathing normal air anymore! My dad’s got mild Sarcoidosis from working at a power plant for about 30 years. Even though the "company" denies that it has anything to do with the air at the plant, my mom has strict instructions that if the Sarcoid kills him, she’s to sue the plant for all their worth. Funny thing is, she’ll win.

    Lessons to learn, air is for lungs and nothing else. You have to be very careful what you put into your body. Supplements, smokage, anything. And go buy a water filter and eat a bowl of broccoli – ounce of prevention…

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