New Athlete: Nicolas Gomez

Discussion in ‘New Member Introductions‘ started by Nicolas Gomez, Mar 17, 2013.


    Nicolas Gomez New Member

    Award Points:
    Hello everyone,
    Hope you are all well and training hard . My name is Nicolas Gomez, I was born in Colombia but I am now based in the UK. 28 years old former semi-professional footballer (unfortunately didn’t make the cut on the professional side). After having considerable success at this level and earning a few £££ here and there I decided that I needed something different to complement my football, what better than the GYM…… as soon as a graduated from university I went onto obtain my Personal trainer Qualification and began using my new skills to its full potential.
    At first I had little interest in competing in any sort of fitness modelling or bodybuilding as I just enjoyed keeping fit and looking after my appearance. In October 2011 things took a turn for the worst, 2 month into the new football season I tore my ACL, I was bed ridden for three weeks and on crutches for another 4 weeks. After 6 months of rehab I started to get back into training… unfortunately 20 minutes into my first game back….. Bang!!! ACL gone again .
    After this I decided that I needed to give football a rest and concentrate on some other sort of exercise…… weightlifting and fitness modelling came about!! After recovering for the second time from my injury I threw myself into training and my new ambition grew. Shortly into my second year of training properly I decided to start competing, the chosen date is the 6th of October 2013 – MIAMI PRO FITNESS COMPETITION – UK CHAMPIONSHIPS.
    At the moment I am in ”off season” and trying to put some size on, this is coming along slowly but surely. In February 2013 AX gave me my first opportunity as a sponsored athlete . I am extremely proud to be part of this team as there seems to be some excellent talent in it. Now the time for talking is over and the time to work is upon me……I have full intention to maintain the high standard that has been set by the rest of the athletes on the team.
    Blog coming soon!!!
    Look forward to getting to know everyone in the team!!

    Gerald Pressley "Mr. Texas"

    Award Points:
    Welcome Nick!! Sounds like you have been through a lot, my man. What doesn’t kills us makes us stronger..Your perserverance and drive is what this game is all about..Getting back up no matter what!! Good Luck on your endeavors and upcoming competitions!

    Nicolas Gomez New Member

    Award Points:
    Thanks for the welcome Gerard, what doesnt kills us definitely makes us stronger!!
    I live by a quote I took from Nelson Mandela you might like,

    I am the master of my fate…… I am the captain of my soul!!

    Thanks again for your words of motivation they are very much appriciated!! hope your training is going well. Speak soon

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