Lovin’ My Slim Fx!!

Discussion in ‘Supplements‘ started by Kate Walker – AX, Apr 13, 2013.


    Kate Walker – AX AX Member

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    I just started shedding my winter coat with the help of Slim FX! I don’t really like to take a fat burner, but after trying Slim FX, I can’t help it! I started Slim FX this Monday and I am already down nearly 5 pounds. I am starting to see definition in both my midsection and legs.I’m looking forward to seeing my results in a few more weeks.
    xKayteePooltonx likes this.

    C-Money5662 New Member

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    I take two capsule in the morning around 7 AM. For the rest of the day I have great energy, I am alert and my hunger is noticeably suppressed. Slim FX is such a great product!

    xKayteePooltonx AX Member

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    I have not yet tried SlimFX, I’m changing up my training after my first powerlifting comp in a few weeks time, I’m wanting to lower my body fat so I’m thinking of trying this out next month!! Do you use LeanFX alongside it?

    Kate Walker – AX AX Member

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    No Kaytee, I have only been using Slim Fx by itself. I don’t really like to use fat burners, however I can’t stop using this one. I have seen a lot more definition in the past two weeks and I have a reduced appetite. I have heard a few team members have been stacking this product, try it out!

    Cara Marel Team AX Sponsored Athlete

    Award Points:
    I’ve been sitting on my new bottle of Slim FX for like 2 weeks now….I’m nervous to start taking it Kate, like you said, I dont really like fat burners either. I do take Lean FX, and plan to stack the 2. Or maybe I should just switch to Slim FX, cut out the Lean FX for now and see how my body responds….hmm

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