Went through some old boxes of stuff from when I moved last year and found an old bottle of creatine. Expired Aug 2008. Is this stuff still good or does it need to go out with the trash? Thanks
hey tucker- how does the creatine look? is it discolored in any way? is it still a nice, soft, loose powder? as long as it isn’t clumpy or hasn’t ‘hardened’ in any way, you are okay. 2008 isn’t a long amount of time being expired.. sounds like it was stored in a cool, dry place as well. also, give it a sniff test- should be pretty much odorless, no funk coming from the bottle. if any of the above are present- discoloring, bad smell, clumpy, i would toss it to be safe, otherwise i say you’re good to grow…
Ditto. Some different products can be very hydroscopic – they suck up moisture wherever they are if they aren’t kept sealed and in a dry place. I had a tub of VasoXplode that did this once. I didn’t use it for a few weeks and eventhough it was closed tight and tucked away in a drawer in my desk at work, it still soaked up some moisture, turned brown and was rock hard. I used a little bit of it anyway, but threw it out. If your’s looks and smells normal, then it should be ok.
Thanks for the reply guys, however I guess I should have specified that they are caps and have never been opened plastic seal on the bottle. Would caps expire less quickly? Omega Sports Cre-Ethyl Thunder is the brand and product.
If the bottle is not opened since purchase, and we`re talking 2008, I think you are good! I would use it.. but thats because Im a supp`ho ! Haha Joking aside, do the same thing here as Kim said. Open a couple of caps up and check if the powder inside is nice and loose and.. well, still a powder If its all good, youre good!
Thanks JB, I’ll do that as soon as I get home from work tonight. And I assume the visual test would work on NO products as well?
No prob bud! Yes, it would. But just remember that if it says like 10-08, october 2008, that doesnt mean like do not use this product after this month! It just implies that taste, ability to blend, powder consistency and so on may have changed and/or been degraded as time over expiration date goes. I would still use it instead of tossing it, unless it really looks messed up and/or smells bad I used some NO-xplode once that I had to hack out of the tub with a fork.. lmao
Checmial salts typically don’t degrade very quickly. Generally, they are given an expiration date as a means for the manufacturer to "wash his hands clean" from any quality issues after a certain point in time. I mean, wouldn’t that suck if someone took a product, didn’t use it for 25 years, and then tried to sue you because it was crap or had degraded into another harmful substance? CEE will degrade into creatine and ethanol, and may further degrade into creatinine. Degradation within a year, sealed from the atmosphere, should not be enough to cause any damage, however the effectiveness of the product may possibly decrease.
Well, the only other time I ever notice an expiration date on anything is usually on milk, eggs, sour cream or some other dairy products that really do expire. smell tests arent too fun with those guys haha