Epistane = Gyno Gone

Discussion in ‘Supplements‘ started by mmowry, Jan 17, 2007.


    mmowry New Member

    Award Points:
    Hey folks just wanted to give some info to those unfortunate souls ( like myself) who suffer from estro induced gyno.

    Epistane has done the trick for me.Ive suffered with bouts since puberty the last episode started around 4-6 months ago.Well its 5 days in @30mg/day and NO MORE PAIN!!! Im also expecting to see shrinkage in the daimeter of the lump.Im very happy as nothing has given me this kind of result especially in 5 days.

    As a bonus strength is good,muscle fullness is up,no bloat and no lethargy.Very happy with Epi and I cant wait to see the transformation.

    Finaly I will be using MFX as part of PCT so Ill keep people updated!

    macedaddy NPC Status

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    NICE to hear!

    mmowry New Member

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    Mace my apologies as Ive changed up my cycle regimen and to add to the fact Ive started a 2nd job and Im lazy :whistling: Ill not be running a log but Ill post up my findings for sure!

    Scheizekopf New Member

    Award Points:
    Good to hear.

    monsterstealth New Member

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    Keep us updated on the Epistane. I am eager to see some final results.

    aqictu New Member

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    as am i :thumbsup:

    troy1982 New Member

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    Wait I though Epistane was a ph. So how does it help fight existing gyno? I’m am just curious as most ph’s usually bring on gyno issues rather than solve them.

    kappaz New Member

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    LakeMountD New Member

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    Haha I was just about to talk about that study but yes .

    I am really glad to see it is working in this way. I knew the inj. form did which is less androgenic (as well as anabolic) and was hoping the oral form would be the same since it was slightly higher in its androgenic value but it seems to really be doing well for gyno reduction! He actually isn’t the first one to say it, but he is definitely someone who is much more respectable, so at least I know he knows what he is talking about lol. Most people didn’t believe me when I was digging around in university libraries and found that it was a 17b-estradiol receptor antagonist and said it could "possibly" reduce gyno.

    Well there ya go, Epistane as a cycle and Mass FX in PCT

    troy1982 New Member

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    I got a couple more questions. Is there any issues with testicular astrophy? Your PCT would not require any SERM? Any chance of estrogen rebound after cycle? What kind of results would this yield? I have heard results compare to SD. Also are you using the clone called Havoc because as far as I can tell you can only preorder epistane? I am aware that this product is pretty new and you guys may not know all the answers but I wanted to see what you guys have heard on these topics.

    JHayward NPC Status

    Award Points:
    Awesome, I hope this stuff helps my gyno

    chronicelite New Member

    Award Points:
    Same, I got it as a kid in puberty

    mmowry New Member

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    Well boys youre all in luck.I dont go braggin on stuff if it doesnt work.I just rather say nothing unless Im asked because Ill not compromise my integrity to get an atta boy.

    So the great news the lump is shrinking.Libido good,strength good, no sides to speak of and I can finally lean against objects with out getting startled by a jolt of pain in my man boob.HAHA

    Ill be updating on the anabolic mass properties later as I feel that the first week is to soon to tell but its definately doing something anabolic.Im not bloated yet my muscles are fuller thus a 3 lbs increase.Ill be on for 7-8wks so that will give a very good guage.But in short sofar Im very impressed and I would have traded in all my other PH & PS cycles for Epistane thats how impressed with it I am!

    chronicelite New Member

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    Who needs PH’s and PS’s when you have AX products. And of course this product to fix gyno if you suffer. I can’t lean on things either, it’s not as bad as it used to be, but it’s not gone yet so….. I know for sure I have gyno, it’s a mild case but you can still tell…. and it is sensitive. So whatever does the job, works for me man. Maybe I’ll look into it after I finish my 12 week mass cycle. PLEASE REPORT BACK ALL FINDINGS!! And let me know if this is an easy product to obtain and how to obtain it. If it’s against the law or something, PM me.

    mmowry New Member

    Award Points:
    1)depending on cycle length there MAY be some atrophy/as Im running it for 7-8wks I expect some but the supression on Epi si far less than other anabolics.

    2)Because of the length Ill also be running a serm for PCT

    3)This product will supress estro induced sides long after the finish of the cycle but DR.D or LakeMountD could explain this better than me.

    4)This should produce very similar results as the afore mentioned BANNED substance but will require aprox 2X the dose but its given me NO sides at all so that makes it much better in my book.

    5)I called it Epistane because it is Epistane and though it WAS in preorder status its been shipped and others are running it now also.

    Hope this helps and good luck. :thumbsup:

    aqictu New Member

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    i would trust it cause its Dr.D’s favorite so it has to be good im rethinking my future stack now maybe epistane stacked with methyl depot instead of revolt and winztrol stacked with methyl depot

    LakeMountD New Member

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    aqictu New Member

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    thx for the heads up but its goin to be a while before i start that cause delta 1 is soon and i am lucky enough to get to test it. im so stoked for that i wont let u guys down on my log i guarantee at least 10lbs lean mass :thumbsup:

    trustkill New Member

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    Is there going to be an Epistane F.A.Q. or " Epistane For Dummies" writeup on the horizen? :geek:

    kappaz New Member

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    Let us know if it helps and what your results are when you take this. There is still limited feedback on this product.

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