Welcome to the world of trickery. No, it’s not politics, well, maybe that plays a part. We are talking about the world of food, i.e. the food industry. The label on the front is getting very suggestive as to what’s supposed to be in your food. However, the label suggests something quite different. Magazines always flip-flop on their message too. One month it’s low carb, the next low fat, and the cycle repeats. No more foolishness, it’s time to learn!
The Do List
Let’s look at some do’s of dieting shall we?
- Do Read Labels – Labels tell you exactly what’s in an item, and will help you learn more about what ingredients are in the foods you eat. You can also better determine where your calories are coming from. The box may say, “Half the fat”, but that may mean more calories from carbs.
- Do Eat Carbs – Carbs are not a feared food item. Eat them responsibly, and try not to eat them with too much fat. Fat may slow digestion, but the body also tends to store fat. So, the body tries to break down carbs, and simultaneously stores more fat. End result: fat can slow the digestion, but too much food at once is going to lead to fat storage.
- Do Eat Fat – The type of fat is the most important. Processed and trans fats are the worst kinds. Stick with poly and mono unsaturated fats. These will be mainly from oils and nuts. The body needs fat for various processes in the body. Especially joint protection and maintaining healthy cholesterol levels. Again, moderation is key.
- Do Eat More Protein – I am not sure about you, but I could easily consume 65 grams of protein in one sitting. The RDA is rather low, and is focused on the general population. That number is more of a minimum requirement. Athletes require much more. Stick with around 1 gram per pound of bodyweight.
- Do Eat At Night – When you eat is not as important as how much and what you eat. If you are eating a snickers prior to bed, that isn’t doing your body good. However, a protein shake with a little natural peanut butter will definitely keep your muscles fed throughout the night. Focus on eating better, and limiting portion sizes, especially at night.
The Don’t List
…and now the naughty list!
- Don’t Be Fooled By Labels – Marketing is a tricky game these days. Manufacturer’s can get away with a lot more than in the past. Words and phrases can become more appealing that facts. It is easy to say “gluten-free” and then have a bunch of other unhealthy ingredients inside the box. Read labels, it’s that simple.
- Don’t Skip Breakfast – The body just went through an overnight fast. Why skip the first meal? Your body needs that fuel, rather than coffee or an energy drink, to get you going. If you are sluggish in the morning, it’s due to your body scavenging for food. Breakfast can make or break your eating for the rest of the day.
- Don’t Eat Processed Foods – There is way too much allowed in foods these days. So many preservatives to prolong shelf life. I know people are planning for the big boom or some other major catastrophe, but your regular food items should not have a 5 or more years shelf life. The items you buy should be made from 10 ingredients or less.
- Don’t Conform To Trends – The diet industry can easily play with your mind. This month you fear carbs and the next you fear fat. Know what your body can handle and what it can’t. Try foods individually to see how you respond. If you feel the food doesn’t work for you, then don’t eat it. All macro’s (protein, carbs, fats) are essential to the body.
- Don’t Fast Without Reason – If your belief system calls for it, by all means follow those beliefs. For others, you should not be skimping on meals only to replace it with some concoction. If you don’t eat, you will lose weight, but you will also regain that weight, and possibly more. What happens when you starve for several hours? You tend to consume mass calories afterwards. Eat responsibly, and you will be fine.
Listen to your body. Know your body. Love your body. The rest will come with time. It’s important for all of us to understand our own body. Do not allow others to tell you what is best for you. Read and learn to continue to understand about your body. Education is the key to success. By educating yourself on healthy habits, eating will no longer be a confusing chore. It’ll finally be the enjoyable journey of life.