Yes, I won a bottle of SlimFx on the second day. Any word on when they’ll be sent of to the distributor?
I’ve received my first shipment of Slim FX – popped just 1 capsule about 7 hours ago. Still going strong! Wow, what a great feeling of alertness and appetite destruction!
I just tried it, been about 2 hrs maybe, I am seriously zoning in on everything and the mood elevation has hit me pretty hard O.O <—-I feel like that but with a smile. Energy, no racing heart beat. so far so good.
The whole launch of these products has been pretty sweet. I’m so glad I could to be a part of this! I <3 AX
I started taking this on the 31’st, and have to admit I’m quite impressed with the results! Nice Job AX.
second day on Slim FX. I took one pill both days. I don’t have the cravings for sweets (which is great) appetite suppression is okay, but not through the roof. Not having that focus feel good feeling that others describe. I’m afraid to take two because I want to sleep at night
What he said! Taking two caps early in the morning won’t make it a sleepless night for you, specially if you don’t experience that feel good energy from one capsule. I haven’t read one review where they describe an uncomfortable energy of two caps, it’s been all good energy through out the day. But what differs is how long it last for them, depending on how tolerant the user are with stims. So lets move up to the actual serving, which is 2 caps. I’m positive that you’ll enjoy it better!
Slim FX is sounding like a good fat burner for my contest prep. Energy when macros are low means my workouts won’t become victim to my diet. Appetite suppression when Man v Food is waking up my inner fat guy. Mood elevation when carbs are low. Wait, am i dreaming? lol
It would be really interesting to read your testominal on this product, seeing as you are a really dedicated bodybuilder and knowing when you could use/need the aid of a product like this. I could really really use a product like this right now, the inner fat guy you’re talking about have been pretty active this last 2 weeks
Rotfl! He’s so disrespectful. As soon as i string together a few good weeks of diet, he just begins whispering stuff like "All you can eat sushi", "Never ever ending pancakes", "Did you see the latest Papa Johns commercial?" lol.
Haven’t seen post on someone taken more than 2. Typically I like to push the limits with supplements, but would think if your diet was in check and you timed the dosing (at separate times)… you should have a continuous flow of the Slim FX benefits. I’m sure someone will try it