The title states it clearly and it’s time we all take action. We have moved from a nation of go-getters to having someone else go get it. The facts are in and they are terrifying. Do you know what MINIMUM percent there is for obesity in the U.S.? Well, it shocked me, so keep reading to find out.
It’s time for us all to get up out of our seat and take action. Parents need to take action and be a leading example for their children. As a new parent, I am learning things daily, and my son is God’s blessing to me. That blessing also requires responsibility from me so I can be a good example for my son. It’ time we all take a stand, and several stands at that to get this rate lowered.
The results are in. Here’s the hard facts, 1 out of 5 adults are obese, and that’s the MINIMUM. Some states were near 40% obesity, or 2 out of every 5 adults. Check out this list of the top 10 states with the highest obesity rates.
Obesity states: Top 10
10. Kentucky – 30.4%
9. Indiana – 30.8%
8. South Carolina – 30.8%
7. Arkansas – 30.9%
6. Oklahoma – 31.1%
5. Michigan – 31.3%
4. Alabama – 32%
3. West Virginia – 32.4%
2. Louisiana – 33.4%
1. Mississippi – 34.9%
The great thing about obesity is that it IS reversible. The shows on tv are not unrealistic. Have a goal and stick with it. Those who are obese need to have the goal of life. This is not a guarantee for an obese person whose lifespan is cut by at least 10 years. Put down the junk food and get moving.
The plan
Start slowly, but stick with it. Simply moving for 30 minutes per day will burn a massive amount of calories. Your body burns through more calories due to the excess weight. It requires a lot of muscle to be able to walk around with the excess fat.
Reduce food intake. You have contemplated this 1000 times, so cut one meal out of each day. It is not out of the ordinary for an obese person to consume 4000 (or more) calories in a day. Cutting one meal can reduce this by at least 500 calories per day.
Replace food for healthy items. This is easy as it is not an entire diet change, but a slow progression towards health. After dropping one meal, replace a different one with a healthy food choice. This means a true healthy food choice based on research and not based on a Subway commercial.
Add weight training. You will begin losing fat and you need to replace it with muscle. This can lead to even more weight loss due to replacing fat with muscle. A lean body burns calories more efficiently. Begin with a small training routine of 15 minutes, 3 times per week. Slowly add from there.
Sample Routine:
1. Bench Press 2 sets – 8-10 reps
2. Squats 2 sets – 8-10 reps
3. One-arm Rows 2 sets – 8-10 reps
4. Good Mornings 2 sets – 8-10 reps
5. Standing Military Press 2 sets – 8-10 reps
5. Bicep Curls 2 sets – 8-10 reps
6. Overhead Tricep Extensions 2 sets – 8-10 reps
The rest is all about progression. Keep a journal to chart your progress. Decide on longer term goals set to every 3 months. Create a worthwhile reward at each 3 month point. This goal should be a new outfit, a small vacation, or similar. Do not make this the opportunity to eat junk food. Cravings will be harder to resist if that is your goal. This is doable and we are here to help! If you need some training tips, or assistance, send me an email: [email protected]. I would love to help you on your fitness journey.