This name keeps coming up; creapure. What is it? Is it some type of morphed supplement? It does have creatine, but why is it so damn special? The guys in the gym keep talking about how great it is. You don’t see the allure, because creatine is just creatine, right? You’ve seen the boosted creatine supplements to enhance delivery. No shocker, they are loaded with sugar. Well, creapure is pretty damn special, and it’s time you find out why!
Creatine defined
There are quite a few forms of supplemental creatine available. Creatine monohydrate, creatine malate, creatine titrate, magnesium creatine chelate, and the list goes on. Creatine supplements are touted to help boost the body’s stores of creatine phosphate. The end goal of creatine is to help rapidly replenish stores of ATP to ensure you are the best athlete you can be. ATP provides quick bursts of energy to make you a stronger lifter and faster athlete (among many other things). The problem with creatine is in the absorption. Creatine needs to be absorbed rather than converted into its’ alter ego, creatinine. Elevated levels of creatinine tend to wreak havoc on the body. So, the creatine you supplement needs good absorption. The type of creatine that continues to have proven success is creatine monohydrate.
Creatine absorption
I have heard people talk about this. They say, “I’ve heard creatine monohydrate has the best absorption.” Great work, because this is true. Although, there should be an asterisk after that statement. Why? Well, creatine monohydrate does have the best absorption, but it depends on the quality. It’s kind of like someone saying that gasoline makes a car go. Yes, it does make the car go, but the grade of gasoline is important. Notice how very few gas stations carry “Economy” grade fuel. Which is a very poor performing fuel that is sure to make your sweet Camaro misfire like crazy! The grade/quality is a very important factor for absorption.
The German’s got it right! They decided that creatine does work, but it needs to come from quality sources. A lot of companies have decided to toss anything in a bottle and label it “100% Creatine Monohydrate”. The makers of creapure set out to make a standard of creatine that was not a level below perfect. Their focus is on pure quality. They choose quality raw ingredients, and test each batch for purity with chemical analysis. The step by step process is documented to ensure that each step is following protocol. Each bottle that is stamped with the creapure logo has the purest and highest quality form of creatine monohydrate.
It’s time to start paying attention to what you purchase. Do not blame an ingredient and consider it bunk due to poor manufacturing processes. Products like creapure are worth the extra few dollars to ensure you are getting a pure form of the ingredient. If you are interested in picking up a bottle of creapure, look at Athletic Xtreme’s German Creatine. It contains creapure and you can be reassured that you are getting nothing but the best.