
Operation Beast Mode (Time to Get Big)

Brandon Hahn November 12, 2012 Training Articles
Operation Beast Mode (Time to Get Big)

We are approaching off season. The time of year to get THICK! Your normal approach of adding in more protein by sneaking in cheeseburgers and chicken wings is done. It’s time to bring out the beast. Your inner animal needs to be unleashed. You are no longer a man, you are in the process of transformation. It’s Operation Beast Mode. Ready?! It’s go time!

Workout Overhaul

Your current training program is nice, but it’s far from beast mode. If your chest day involves flyes, leg day has leg extensions, or anything similar, it’s DEFINITELY not on par. You need to start incorporating heavy, compound movements. Lower the reps from your traditional 8-12, down to 4-6. Your muscles will respond with extreme growth. You will need to rest a bit more per set, but that allows you to get prepped for every set. If your workout does not involve squats, deadlifts, bench press, and standing military, you need to get them in your workout. Otherwise, IT”S NOT BEAST MODE!

Beast Mode Workout Tips

  • Lower your reps to 4-6
  • Increase intensity
  • Increase rest periods
  • Replace isolation moves with compound lifts

Diet Overhaul

The diet needs to follow suit. You cannot assume that you can eat whatever you want in the off-season and make good gains. You need to consume more calories than you burn. That’s the first part. The second part is to consume healthy calories. This means your off-season will remain strict. You can allow one cheat day, but it would be best to stick with one cheat meal. As you progress, you will be able to make adjustments as needed. You can decide if a cheat day still allows you to stay on track. If not, you need to remain focused. Oh, and being a carnivore, meat is a must for your menu.

Beast Mode Diet Tips

  • Limit to a cheat meal or cheat day
  • Eat healthy calories
  • Consume more calories than you burn
  • Eat meat to get your protein requirements

Lifestyle Overhaul

Stay the course. You need to be surrounded by a supporting cast. Success stories are great, as they make for great inspiration. However, if you can surround yourself with positive minded people, and those that support your goals, you are even more likely to succeed. Being a beast means you need to act like a beast. So, be a leader, and a role model for your community. Be someone that others want to follow and lead them to success.

Beast Mode Lifestyle Tips

  • Find a supporting cast
  • Be a positive role model
  • Aim to inspire others
  • Focus on the positive’s in life

Even though it’s approaching hibernation for some, you are a beast, and this is the time for you to reign supreme. It’s time to get amped, and be ready for great things. You are on the road to a better, healthier, and more positive YOU! If you are ready to enter beast mode, let us know. Drop us a line on our twitter and/or facebook page, with hashtag #BEASTMODE.

Also check out The Muscle Book for a complete day to day beast mode training plan, it’s free.

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About The Author

Brandon has been in the fitness industry for over seven years and has trained over 1,000 clients. He has competed in several bodybuilding competitions and continues to improve his physique with hardwork and dedication. With a Bachelor’s Degree in Exercise Science, Brandon has the knowledge and skills to get you on the fast track to fitness.