
The Skinny On Cutting Fat

Cavino Johnson January 1, 2014 Training Articles

It’s a question that I hear several times a week, whether it be some curious stranger in the gym or through an email. “How do I get rid of this?”, as they grab 2 handfuls of belly. The secrets’ out. That secret is—there IS NO SECRET. There are no magic weight loss pills, no miracle clinics. Regardless of the hype you see on late night infomercials, radio ads, or all the overnight pop up diet schemes, I am here to tell you now there is no such thing as a miracle, when it comes to cutting body fat. Are those bubbles I hear bursting? I’m sorry, I’m not sorry.

Truth? Obesity is a lucrative business. Dozens of companies have system cleansers, or these “don’t-change-your-lifestyle-just-take-this-pill” promise, all the way down to the invention of an awkward device that you hold that shakes you down to size to the waist wraps that “simply melt the fat away”. Tell you what… If you believe that, then I’ve got ocean front property to sell you in Idaho. That’s just it, though. People pay for convenience. The convenience of not having to work hard to lose the fat and to work hard to keep it off is more tempting now more than ever before.

For those of us that understand that it takes consistency and discipline and hard work, here are a few tips on how to effectively cut body fat while maintaining lean muscle:

  1. Nutrition: I put this first because it is, by far, the most important. Whichever method of“dieting” you use, be sure that it is in accord with your actual goals. If you are in need of losing excess pounds of body fat, eat in a way that will boost metabolism and fat loss. If your goal is to put on lean muscle mass while regulating a certain level of body fat, adjust your macros to allow for that goal to be obtained.
  2. Strength Training: This one is just as important, especially for my females out there that do not want to lift due to the fear of “getting too big” or “looking manly”, yet they want to “tone up” or be “leaner”. Let’s bury this issue once and for all. Strength training, ladies, will NOT make you look like a man or make you too big. Naturally, it just doesn’t happen, for obvious reasons— you do not have the hormonal necessities to do so. Let’s look at it this way—Lift heavier weight than that in which you are used to, building lean muscle mass accompanied by tip #1 listed above… what do you think the end result could be? You can become stronger and leaner.
  3. Cardio:Ok. This is one of the most misunderstood fat loss methods. IN MY OPINION, long, drawn out bouts of cardiovascular/aerobic exercise, for most people, is unnecessary. I’ve heard of people that hit the treadmill for 2 hours post strength training!!! Absurd! I prefer explosive cardio, such as sprinting, bicycle sprints, jump rope, and even HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) on select cardio equipment. This way, your cardio time is cut in half yet you still benefit from the fat burning while saving precious muscle mass.These are just a few of the things that I know work. Another method that I use, because it works for me, is doing plyometric and/or calisthenics exercises between sets of strength training. Notonly does this boost your max heart rate into a fat burning zone, but it also helps decrease other cardio you might do after weight training. Let’s face it. Not many of us want to spend 2 hours in the gym.
  4. Supplementation: As previously stated, there are no magic pills, let alone magical supplements. Supplements are just that—a supplementation. In other words, an intense and consistent exercise program, and a good, effective nutritional foundation along with the use of a supplement, such as a “fat burner”, will cause the fat burner to be more effective and vice versa. For me, I use Athletic Xtreme’s “Slim FX”, a 12-hour natural energy booster and appetite suppressing fat burner.

You will find a plethora of information and suggested methods when searching for a proper program for fat loss. I recommend the use of an experienced and educated personal trainer that will be able to help you reach those goals!! No matter what, always remember—you get out of it what you put into it! So work hard now and enjoy the end results later. Trust the process and make being healthy a lifestyle. HAPPY NEW YEAR!! HAPPY NEW YOU!!

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About The Author

A decade into the sport of natural bodybuilding, Cavino has won many competitions and currently holds a pro card. He also has personal training, group fitness and sports nutrition certifications that allows him to own his own private training service.

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