There is nothing better than a challenge. Can you do this? Are you man enough? Well, it’s time to introduce the “No Weights Workout” Challenge. Let’s see who can complete the workout, and who walks away. It may seem simple, especially since there are no weights, but don’t be fooled. It’s time to see if you are up to the challenge.
Equipment Required:
- Flat Bench or Chair
- Pullup Bar
All exercises have a number of reps that need to be completed before moving on to the next exercise. The goal is to time yourself, and post your results. Complete all reps prior to moving forward, because this is THE CHALLENGE and is not for the weak!
The Challenge
Images have been provided for the uncommon exercises.
- 1-Arm Pushups – 25 Per Arm
- Pullups – 30
- Lunge Jumps (start in a lunge position, jump up, and switch legs) – 50 CLICK FOR IMAGE
- Situps (NOT crunches, you can hook your feet under an object, like a couch)
- Feet Incline Pushups – 30
- Close Grip Pullups – 30
- Jump Squats – 50 – CLICK FOR IMAGE
- Planks (with 1 leg raised off the ground, toe should be 4-6 inches from the floor) CLICK FOR IMAGE
- Feet Incline Close Grip Pushups (put feet up on a bench or chair) – 30
- Chinups – 30
- Wall Sits – 60 Seconds (total)
- Planks (with other leg raised off the ground, toe should be 4-6 inches from the floor) – 90 seconds (total)
Repeat circuit once, for a total of 2 circuits.
AX Manliness Scale
- 30 Minutes or Less – Olympic Athlete
- 30 – 45 Minutes – All American
- 45 Minutes – 1 Hour: Gym Class Hero
- 1 Hour or more: Waterboy
This simple yet effective workout can be performed every other day if you can dedicate that much time to exercise. You could do less, especially since this is a challenge workout, but is still very effective. The best part of a challenge is seeing who wins. Post your results up on our facebook page: Athletic Xtreme’s Facebook Page. Better yet, share a video!