It’s time to start eating like a man. You need to stop eating all of that junk food and start focusing on prime fuel. Your muscles are starving for nutrient dense foods. Do not deprive your muscles of the nutrients they require. Feed them well and feed them often. We’ve offered up a full day of the best muscle building meals. All we ask is that you read slowly, then head to the frig, and start cookin’!
What’s in a muscle building meal?
That is a very good question and we are happy to answer! A muscle building meal provides the essential nutrients for growth. Ideally coming from healthy, nutrient dense, sources of food. The foods should be lean without any unnecessary fats or processed foods. The goal is to eat a surplus of calories from healthy sources to promote lean muscle gains. Eating pizza to build muscle is like expecting high performance from an economy grade gasoline. It just doesn’t work, because it’s not high grade fuel.
A day of muscle building meals
3 Whole eggs
1/4 C. Egg whites
1/2 C. Steel cut oats (dry measure)
1/2 Banana
Handful chopped walnuts
This meal provides roughly 35 grams of protein, 35 grams of carbs, and 17 grams of fat. It provides the perfect balance of calories and energy.
1 Whole wheat wrap
4 oz. Chicken breast
1/4 C. Romaine lettuce
Greek yogurt/olive oil/balsamic vinegar dressing
This meal provides roughly 35 gram of protein, 25 grams of carbs, and 16 grams of fat. The dressing should be pre-blended by hand. Use 1 tablespoon greek yogurt, 1 tbsp olive oil, and 1 tbsp balsamic vinegar, then blend. Put dressing over chicken, inside the wrap.
5 oz. Steak
2 Sweet potatoes (medium)
8 Asparagus sprigs
This meal provides around 40 grams of protein, 35 grams of carbs, and 12 grams of fat. The read meat will help with the iron depletion from your brutal workouts.
Snack 1 (possibly mid morning meal)
1 Scoop whey
8 oz. Kefir
1 Tbsp. Coconut oil
2 Stevia packets
A nice blend of ingredients provides around 40 grams of protein, 15 grams of carbs, and 17 grams of fat.
Snack 2 (possibly pre-bed meal)
1 C. Cottage cheese
1 Tbsp. Olive oil
Dash of pepper
This meal provides slow digesting protein to aid in reducing any catabolic effects during sleep. Providing around 30 grams of protein, 5 grams of carbs, and 20 grams of fat. It is the perfect pre-bed meal to provide slow releasing proteins for muscle building power.
Note: These meals are suited for a 175 pound individual looking to gain muscle with minimal fat gain.
A day’s worth of muscle building meals to get you started. The road from here is clear, you need HEALTHY foods. You can make simple swaps for these meals to make alterations. Then, continue your experimentation from there as you feel comfortable with new foods. Again, choose healthy options that are not processed or loaded with fats. It’s time to put on your chef’s hat and get cooking!
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