The temptations are everywhere, especially this time of year. Chocolate displays, samples, and parties. All of which make staying on your diet even harder. Who wants to miss out on some tasty food? The temptations are irresistible without a plan. Do you have a plan? Whether you do or don’t, we have some helpful tips to make sure you stay the course!
1. Don’t skip meals
People tend to push the envelope when it comes to eating. They assume less is more, by hoping eating less means more weight loss on the scale. Well, this is actually the opposite, as people tend to overeat at their next meal. The body knows what it wants and when it wants it. So, do not be fooled into thinking you can skip meals. The key is to aim to eat a meal every 3 to 4 hours, even if it’s a handful of almonds. You need to help keep your blood sugar balanced. Those that skip meals tend to go straight for the carbs at their next meal.
2. Balance your meals
Eating too many carbs in one sitting can cause your body to release massive amounts of insulin. The carbs cause a heavy spike in blood sugar, followed by a heavy crash. This leads to you feeling even more today, followed by more hunger. The key is to balance your meals, which helps slow digestion and keep blood sugar more balanced.
3. Chew gum
The act of chewing can actually help stave off cravings. People reported that they felt less groggy than when not chewing gum. They were also less likely to reach for high calorie snacks, and were able to fight off cravings while chewing gum. Be sure to chew the sugar-free variety. They’ve actually come out with some great flavor options for gum to help with any specific sweet tooth.
4. Relax
Stress plays a big role in the way we eat. When we feel stress, the body triggers various hormones to combat the issue. The body releases cortisol during stress which causes an increase in appetite. Cortisol also blocks the body’s ability to break down fat for energy. This combo leads to stress eating, which tends to be excess calories, and results in fat gain. Focus on relaxing throughout the day. Even if it means you take a little bit of “me” time to calm your nerves. Otherwise, you are far more likely to reach for comfort foods to ease that stress.
It may seem simple, but it’s important to remind yourself of some easy ways to combat cravings. It’s easy to pop a pill to cure your problems, but it’s better to understand the problem. That way you can develop a plan of attack to combat the issue. Supplements are not a bad choice if you need a little help.
If you are going to go the supplement route to help fight cravings, we think the choice is simple. We developed Slim FX for this exact reason. To safely fight cravings without leaving you feeling spaced out and jittery. A 12 hour boost of awesome, that’s what I call it. Check it out here.