Remember a workout that pushed the two hour mark? You thought all that time to completely drain your muscles was a good thing. It’s days like those that make cortisol LOVE you. Cortisol is a muscle eating beast let out of it’s cage during those lengthy workouts. Sure, it felt good to barely walk out of the gym, but you didn’t gain anything.
The body is very good at understanding you. It knows exactly when to trigger specific reactions to protect your body if you are injured. For example the body can trigger adrenaline. Adrenaline has been known to allow a man to run around frantically after breaking his back (true story, but this is not something that is encouraged). The body can trigger the leydig cells to produce more testosterone during times of low test. It can also release cortisol to help limit any catabolic (i.e. muscle wasting) activity like a long workout.
A quick breakdown of cortisol
- Cortisol is produced by the adrenal gland
- It’s controlled by the hypothalamus
- It’s activated during times of stress (among other processes)
What happens during times of stress?
Cortisol does have its benefits, but elevated levels need to be controlled. When cortisol remains elevated for longer durations (i.e. lengthy workouts) it leads to muscle wasting. How? As shown above, cortisol is released during times of stress to protect the body. Prolonged workouts drain your body of energy and vital nutrients. The body hits the big red button and BOOM, out flows cortisol. It inhibits the body’s release of fats to protect them for future energy use. Then, it allows the body to attack muscles for quick fuel. Thus, it needs to be regulated, especially around your workout.
The peak hours of cortisol release
Cortisol naturally peaks in the early a.m. due to the overnight fast. It reaches its’ lowest point a few hours into your sleep cycle. Cortisol also steadily rises after 1 hour of moderate-high intensity exercise. The good news it that you can control it with a cortisol reduction products like Lean FX.
Timing cortisol supplements for cortisol reduction
Dose 1 – This dose should be immediately upon waking. The body has just gone several hours without food. Supplementing at this time can allow the body to blunt the continuous surge of cortisol.
Dose 2 – You should supplement this right before your workout. So, you will want to pop this as you walk into the gym. This will allow the supplement time to digest and absorb. Pills tend to take 20 to 45 minutes to get into the bloodstream. This will allow you to be like a sniper and pluck off cortisol before it even seems you comin! On non-workout days, take this dose mid-afternoon. It is common for people to try to push things and skip lunch (Another stressor that can cause a release in cortisol).
Dose 3 – This dose should be around 4 hours after your workout (or 4 hours pre-bed on non-workout days). To help ensure you keep cortisol levels at bay, especially as the body starts the recovery process. You can help further promote repair by keeping high cortisol levels at bay.
Cortisol is a hormone that needs to be controlled. Like any hormone, it can be useful and there is no need to suppress it 24/7. Simply follow the suggested dosing from above to ensure cortisol levels remain controlled.
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