Mass FX Black was designed to be an all-in-one training supplement. It’s engineered to raise libido, energy and drive, boost test and GH levels, lower estrogen, foster glycogen storage, support 24/7 pumps and size, increase stamina and strength gains, and support an endocrine environment for over-all health, muscle growth, and fat loss. Thus the reason for the “Complete Anabolic Stack” on the product label.
The Ingredients:
Nettle root extract 10:1 [(-)-3,4-Divanillyltetrahydrofuran]
Nettle root became popularized in the industry after I researched and developed it’s application almost 9 years ago. It was at the request of a former supplement company I once worked with who wished to develop an SHBG supplement. I didn’t invent it, but I was the alpha tester and designed the dosing protocols for it’s efficient application (after my experience and the evaluation of results and bloodwork from subsequent beta testers). Nettle root works by increasing free testosterone levels, and works in just a few days. The benefits of increased free test are obvious, because bound testosterone is not active or helpful for weight training or muscle growth.
Zinc AA chelate
Zinc is a very under-rated mineral, and required for numerous bodily processes. It is particularly important in men, and is associated with proper estrogen/testosterone ratios. This product only contains 50% of the maximum daily recommended dose, so additional supplements (such as a multi-vitamin) should not contribute enough additional Zinc to take you over the 100mg/day mark.
This ingredient is a mild PDE inhibitor and cAMP booster, so it promotes vasodilatation without overt stimulation (like most other xanthine alkaloids such as Caffeine). It’s a nice synergist that promotes pumps and libido, so it’s a useful part of the MFXB formula.
Boron Glycinate
Boron is a trace mineral which has been used for joint and bone health since the 80’s. It’s also been used in the past by bodybuilders, but with little benefit at the typical 3mg/day dose. However, recent studies have shown substantial endocrine benefits in bodybuilders when the dose is high enough (about 10mg.) This is the same dose employed with MFXB, and I personally like this ingredient from my experience.
7-MF (7-Methoxyflavone)
This is a flavone with impressive AI activity. It’s the best natural aromatase inhibitor that I’ve tried so far, and can be applied to situations where estrogen is too high. DAA, NMDA, and NMA can all boost testosterone levels, and subsequent estrogen levels significantly, so a generous dose of 7-MF is included to negate this potential.
Cobalt AA chelate
Finally, a supplement with some high quality Cobalt! Cobalt is another trace mineral which is essential for growth of all known organisms, and is usually fortified in animal feeds. Nevertheless, soils are often deficient and plants may have low amounts, so humans may be in a state of borderline deficient year round. Cobalt was once commonly used in an inorganic form as a RBC booster, before EPO became more widely available, but MFXB uses a far superior chelated form. This ingredient will encourage pumps and endurance through increased Oxygen carrying capacity. The amount used in MFXB is admittedly under-dosed (perhaps 25% of what it should be for a 150lb man) so the effect is generally not apparent right away. By the 2’nd or 3’rd week the benefits should become noticeable, but this is a necessary precaution in our opinion and opens the door for prolonged use if a second cycle is run immediately after the first.
dl-NMA (50% N-Methyl-d-aspartic acid)
This is the racemic version of N-Methyl-aspartic acid. This form is smart because the research shows the l-isomer does not interfere with binding or activity of the dextrotory form, yet is has higher activity than would be expected. One would expect racemic NMA to have 50% the activity of pure NMDA, but it’s closer to 60%, which is a good deal. Perhaps the levotory isomer contributes by conversion, but it certainly doesn’t appear to hurt or contribute to addition side effects or enzyme induction.
Therefore, this form is superior to regular DAA, and far more cost effective than NMDA.
Vanadyl compounds have been somewhat popular since the late 90’s, but they were always expensive, under-dosed, and supplied in an inefficient mineral form (such as Sulfate.) The Sulfate works, but the dose required is high, and some people experience gastrointestinal side effects from such high doses. BMOV is a form that does not require high doses, and is clean of the common side effects. The benefits are wide-ranging, but it’s ability to improve cholesterol ratios and lower blood glucose make it a potent insulinomimetic. Insulin is required for glycogen formation, which produces excellent muscle pumps and endurance effects. Insulin action is also a requirement for the hypertrophic effect of androgen on muscle. Insulin also lowers blood sugar, and lower blood sugar levels increase GH levels (which are important for growth, repair, and fat loss.)
Cholecalciferol (Vitamin D-3)
It’s estimated that most people are Vitamin D deficient, especially in the winter months, so D3 has become more popular as a flu-fighter and immune boosting supp in recent years. However, it’s inclusion here relates to it’s ability to promote a favorable endocrine condition in males, and the dose used in MFXB is comparable with the conventional protocols for this application.
Overall, this is a supplement designed to be used as a staple of any natural routine, much like creatine or protein. It covers almost every fundamental base, and all that is still needed to have a fairly complete regimen is a good multi-vitamin and some extra macro minerals (like Potassium.) Other than that, it’s hard to go wrong using MFXB to consolidate the rest of the gaps.
Article written by: Dr. D
Submitted by: Brandon Hahn
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.