
Are you causing your own joint problems?

Brandon Hahn March 28, 2013 Training Articles
Are you causing your own joint problems?

The older you get the more you sound like a wooden rocker. Sitting down and standing up is a series of moans and groans. It brings up thoughts of your younger days. Every joint now seems to ache with little resolve. Is this a natural process or are you causing it? It’s time to fix the issues and start feeling young again!

Achy joints seem to be a way of life. That creaking just becomes part of the daily routine. What isn’t part of the daily routine is a solution to the problem. We are nearly in constant motion throughout the day. Then, we add intense motion via exercise. You stretch before and after your workout to make sure you limit stress on your joints. This is just one of the many ways you may be causing your joint problems.

Stretching has been preached as the necessary evil to prevent injury. This is accurate, however it is all in the timing. Static stretching before your workout has shown a 10% decrease in strength. The muscles are like rubber bands. Stretching them to the max prior to loosening them up leads to tearing.

A stretched muscle via static stretching can weaken strength. Weakened muscles with the same load can lead to increased joint pressure. Instead of choosing static stretching prior to a workout, choose a slow jog. The jog should slowly build intensity as you progress through your warmup. This will allow proper blood flow to the muscles. It will also help to slowly warm the muscles.

The joint issues continue during exercise. Since most warm-up incorrectly this leads to poor flexibility during exercise. This results in poor form and more pressure on the joints. This causes heavy wear and tear on the joints. Without correcting this, the joints slowly wear down their protective coating (i.e. cartilage and fatty tissue). Again, it is best to choose a slow jog prior to exercise. You should also focus on several light warm-up sets prior to weight training.

It is not just the gym that is causing joint issues. The activities in our daily lives greatly affect our joints. The way you sit, stand, and walk all affect our joints. If you sit in a chair too high or low it can create low back issues. This compounds into more pressure on other joints due to poor posture. Walking does little to loosen up our TFL (tensor fasciae latae). This can lead to tightness on the outer thigh. Which then turns into pain and pressure in your knees.

We need to move to live. Otherwise, it is a slow decay until the end. Do not fear movement. Be sure to maintain a healthy range of motion via stretching. Every few hours take the time to stand up at work. This can help take pressure off of the lower back. If this problem is already occurring, the issue may be an exaggerated pelvic tilt. The pelvis is naturally tilted slightly forward (anterior) or backward (posterior). This creates either a low back arch or a slouch.

An exaggerated pelvic tilt leads to pressure on the spine. The anterior pelvic tilt is the cause of many low back issues. This is caused by a shortening of the hip flexors. Sitting too often can lead to exaggerating this tilt. Focus on stretching these muscles after work or on a break. This can help maintain hip flexor length.

Feel free to move around. It is a way of life. Be sure to warm-up properly and keep your seat positioned properly. You also need to ensure correct form is utilized during exercise. Less pressure will lead to less joint pain.  A supplement that aids in joint lubrication and repair is always good to add, try something like Athletes Joint Restore.  Proven ingredients are always key, along with a guarantee that it works!  With these tips you will be on your way to far less joint pain!

About The Author

Brandon has been in the fitness industry for over seven years and has trained over 1,000 clients. He has competed in several bodybuilding competitions and continues to improve his physique with hardwork and dedication. With a Bachelor’s Degree in Exercise Science, Brandon has the knowledge and skills to get you on the fast track to fitness.