
The Supplement Industry: A giant without limbs

Brandon Hahn April 11, 2013 Supplement Articles

It seems like everyday a new supplement comes to the market. Its got some sweet new ingredient that you can barely pronounce. The science sounds awesome. There are even studies linked in the write-up. Score! This all seems well and good, but some people out there feel the industry is littered with poor regulation. The supplement industry is a giant, yet it struggles to fight back.

If you watch the news (which always seems to be titled “Lindsay Lohan…”) you will get to hear a story. The story always has a focus and silently conveys its message. It may not be apparent, but things are cut and pasted to appear as reality. You get a glimpse and you hear the reporter discussing their feelings on the topic. They offer a solid closing argument to leave you thinking. Your mind has to process the images you saw with what you heard. So, you get pushed into a belief if you don’t do your own research.

The news and other outlets will have you believing that every supplement is tainted with an anabolic substance. Something that makes it a super drug. Yes, there are issues with ingredients that come to light later. However, this is not solely within the supplement industry. Companies all over the world are getting materials that they feel are quality (the majority of companies anyways). These materials come in from one company and are tested by another. Some get shipped back, others are good, and a few slip through the cracks.

The supplement industry is not the sole industry that receives bad product. Last year the news was riddled with recalls; cars, food, toys, you name it. The stories that get displayed are the issues people aim to exploit. What is going to get the biggest rise out of the viewer? A story about a bug in toothpaste or a story of how an energy drink killed someone. Chances are most want to hear about the death. Unfortunately, the supplement industry has limited ability to fight back the powers that be. This is where research on the manufacturer plays a part. It’s a must to make sure sound ingredients are added to your products. However, almost every consumable thing out there will have some type of side effect on a select group of people.

There will always be a few that wish to rise above the rest by offering low quality products with high visibility. However, the supplement industry is gaining ground as far as compliance and quality. A company would not want to be recognized as “shady” or they’d surely lose business (and end up bankrupt). Some supplements will be portrayed as purely evil and deadly in the news, but that is where consumer awareness plays a part. Bringing about better regulation in the industry can be a good thing, but it must be a two-way street.

Always research what you are about to consume. It’s not wise for your health to just pop a pill or eat some random food just because you are told it’s safe. It’s always good to add in that extra bit of insurance for yourself. Research is key. Always be aware of what’s in the supplement and know that it’ll help you achieve your goals.

About The Author

Brandon has been in the fitness industry for over seven years and has trained over 1,000 clients. He has competed in several bodybuilding competitions and continues to improve his physique with hardwork and dedication. With a Bachelor’s Degree in Exercise Science, Brandon has the knowledge and skills to get you on the fast track to fitness.