
Muscle Book: Week 8

Weekly Overview

Week 8. Welcome to the culmination of the Muscle Book Training Series. Consider this peak week. It’s the week you will be pushing it to the very limit. There is no week 9 of this program. It has all led to this and it’s time to get it done. I’ve said it week in and week out, it’s all about progression. This is the progression. This is the 4th quarter. This is what you’ve worked for and it’s time to lay it all on the line. You have been building up to this week, let’s ROLL!

What’s the plan?

It’s time to add more weight. You can add 5 pounds, but 10 pounds is ideal. This is where it’s important to push it, BUT be mindful of form. You must never sacrifice form to get a rep. There is no point in making progress only for it to stall due to greed. If 10 pounds is in you, get it. If not, be wise and live to play another day.

Way to work!

I just wanted to say way to get it done. You’ve done everything right thus far. Let’s finish the week strong.

Lower Body

Day 1 of the final week, you can almost taste the gains! The program has led to this point. You have been building up to this moment. You need to crush it. Lets get to work!

Aim to increase between 5-10 pounds on all lifts. Be sure that each lift is completed with complete range as well as proper form. Let’s get it done!

Muscle Book Lower Body Training:

Goal: Finish strong!

Weights: Increase all lifts by another 5-10 pounds

Rest periods: 2-3 minutes in between each set

Notes: Be sure to increase weight accordingly.

Exercise  Sets  Reps  Example 
Barbell Squats
+15-30 lbs. total
(80% 1RM)
4 4  
Barbell Deadlifts
+15-30 lbs. total
(80% 1rm)
4 4  
1-Legged Leg Press
+15-30 lbs. total
(77.5% 1RM)
4 5  
Good Mornings
+15-30 lbs. total
(77.5% 1RM)
4 5  


Upper Body

Here we go, the second to last upper body session. Let’s move some serious weight. I’m proud of you, let’s work!

Increase ALL lifts between 5-10 pounds. Sorry for the lack of words, but I’m amped to hear about your progress!

Muscle Book Upper Body Training:

Goal: Finish strong!

Weights: Increase all lifts by another 5-10 pounds

Rest periods: 2-3 minutes in between each set

Notes: Be sure to warm-up properly as noted in the muscle book. 

Exercise  Sets  Reps  Example 
Incline Barbell Bench Press
+15-30 lbs. total
(80% 1RM)
4 4  
Barbell Rows
+15-30 lbs. total
(80% 1rm)
4 4  
Standing Dumbbell Press
+15-30 lbs. total
(77.5% 1RM)
4 5  
Weighted Chinups
+15-30 lbs. total
(77.5% 1RM)
4 5  
Decline Close Grip Bench Press
+15-30 lbs. total
(77.5% 1RM)
1 6+  
Dumbbell Hammer Curls
+15-30 lbs. total
(77.5% 1RM)
1 6+  

Great work today, finish strong!

Lower Body

The second leg day of the final week and it’s time to get it done. Stay focused on this session, do not get ahead of yourself. You are doing great, stay focused.

You are on your way. It’s time to increase the weights here just as you have done the past two days. 5-10 pounds on all lifts.

Muscle Book Lower Body Training:

Goal: Finish strong!

Weights: Increase all lifts by another 5-10 pounds

Rest periods: 2-3 minutes in between each set

Notes: Focus on form

Exercise  Sets  Reps  Example 
Barbell Front Squats
+15-30 lbs. total
(80% 1RM)
4 4  
Barbell Stiff Legged Deadlifts
+15-30 lbs. total
(80% 1rm)
4 4  
Barbell Lunges
+15-30 lbs. total
(75% 1RM)
4 6  
Weighted Hyperetensions
+15-30 lbs. total
(75% 1RM)
4 6  

Upper Body

The last upper body session of the Muscle Book Training Series. Make me proud! Better yet, make yourself proud. Push hard today. Finish strong, finish VERY STRONG!

Adding another 5-10 pounds to all lifts today. Focus!

Muscle Book Upper Body Training:

Goal: Finish strong!

Weights: Add another 5-10 pounds to all lifts.

Rest periods: 2-3 minutes in between each set

Notes: Focus on controlling the weights.

Exercise  Sets  Reps  Example 
Incline Barbell Bench Press
+15-30 lbs. total
(80% 1RM)
4 4  
One Arm Dumbbell Rows
+15-30 lbs. total
(80% 1rm)
4 4  
Flat Dumbbell Bench Press
+15-30 lbs. total
(75% 1RM)
3 6  
Barbell Upright Rows
+15-30 lbs. total
(75% 1RM)
3 6  
Close Grip Barbell Flat Bench Press
+15-30 lbs. total
(77.5% 1RM)
1 6+  
Reverse Grip Barbell Curls
+15-30 lbs. total
(77.5% 1RM)
1 6+  

Lower Body

This is it. After this one, the weight training is done. It’s been a great ride, thank you for choosing the Muscle Book Training Series. You have done all that was asked. Let’s finish this one out.

Add another 5-10 pounds to all lifts and push it to the max!

Muscle Book Leg Training:

Goal: Finish Strong!!!

Weights: Add another 5-10 pounds to all lifts.

Rest periods: 2 minutes in between each set 

Notes: Maintain form and focus

Exercise  Sets  Reps  Example 
Barbell Squats
+15-30 lbs. total
(75% 1RM)
4 6  
Deficit Deadlifts
+15-30 lbs. total
(75% 1RM)
4 6  
Hack Squats
+15-30 lbs. total
(75% 1RM)
4 6  
Barbell Stiff Legged Deadlifts
+15-30 lbs. total
(75% 1RM)
4 6  
Leg Extension
+15-30 lbs. total
(75% 1RM)
1 8+  
Lying Leg Curl
+15-30 lbs. total
(75% 1RM)
1 8+  

Active Rest Day

The last active recovery day is here. Let’s get this one done. You’ve been progressing to this point. This day is at its’ max now and you are almost done. There has been one last burst added and that’s it. Let’s get it!

High Intensity Intervals

A burst followed by active recovery is 1 bout.

  • 10-15 seconds Burst
  • 1 minute – 1.5 minutes Active Recovery
  • Perform 10 bouts for this training session

After the session, be sure to stretch and then relax for the remainder of the day.


You made it through the Muscle Book Training Series! Very nice work and way to get it done! I am very proud of you! You pushed it to the max week in and week out and stuck it out until the end. 

What to do from here?

You made it and now what? Well, I want to hear from you. It’d be great to see your progress. Send over some photos of your 8 week transformation and I can get it shared on our Facebook page. You are certainly an inspiration to motivate others and that’s what it’s all about.

You can always restart the program from the beginning as this program is very versatile and relies on your 1RM. You can complete several cycles of this program before needing to have a true overhaul. You could take a few weeks and work in the 8-12 rep range before returning to the Muscle Book program as well. Enjoy the gains! Great work!

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About Your Trainer

“Big” Mike Smith – Muscle Book Trainer

While paving an iron path in the sport of bodybuilding, Mike has earned the reputation of “Big Mike” as he has proven his method of building muscle works in the gym. His core focus is on making his clients bigger & stronger.

“Fierce” Farrah Williams – Fem-Fit Trainer

Known for her ability to push her clients to the limit, Farrah is known by her clients as “Fierce” as she knows just how & when to push them. It is with this ability that she is able to get her clients into phenomenal shape and make them believe in themselves.

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