
Muscle Book: Week 6

Weekly Overview

As you can see we are in week 6 of this program. It’s all about adding more weight to stimulate the muscle. This week will be no different. The intensity has been increased and it’s time to progressively overload the muscle to stimulate more growth. Your muscles are hungry for more, so let’s feed them!

What’s the plan?

This may seem like deja vu, but it’s not. The intensity has been bumped up for most of your lifts. Be sure to adjust weights accordingly.

You have 2 options for this program. You can either increase your maxes for each lift by 10 pounds or keep it the same. Ideally if week 5 was only somewhat challenging, you will increase it by 10 pounds. Each week you will be progressing, so do not get too greedy.

Your nutrition should be adjusted at this point, if not you NEED to email me and get it adjusted: [email protected]. You can also use the form at the bottom of this page and each daily page. Let the gains continue!


Lower Body

Last week was cake compared to this week. It’s time to add more weight to further stimulate and grow your muscles. Your estimation of your 1RM will determine how well today goes. Remember, each week you will progress so do not get too greedy. Form is important. Never sacrifice form to move weight. It WILL lead to injury.

It’s time to add weight, you will add around 10 pounds to each lift. If last week was tough, you can add 5 pounds to ensure you are still progressing.

Muscle Book Lower Body Training:

Goal: Strength + Size + Overload

Weights: Increase all lifts by 5-10 pounds

Rest periods: 2-3 minutes in between each set

Notes: Be sure to increase weight accordingly.

Exercise  Sets  Reps  Example 
Barbell Squats
+5-10 lbs. total
(80% 1RM)
4 4  
Barbell Deadlifts
+5-10 lbs. total
(80% 1rm)
4 4  
1-Legged Leg Press
+5-10 lbs. total
(77.5% 1RM)
4 5  
Good Mornings
+5-10 lbs. total
(77.5% 1RM)
4 5  


Upper Body

More weight, that’s the name of the game. It’s time to overload those muscles. Force them to grow. You may not be used to hitting only 4 reps per set, but your muscles will adapt to this protocol fairly quickly. It is a short burst of a higher level of training intensity. You’ve got to press and pull through limited reps. There is no room for error.

You can do this. I know you can, so keep pushing. Be sure to adjust your weights accordingly. You will increase between 5-10 pounds on each lift. Again, this depends on how well things went last week. Let’s get started!

Muscle Book Upper Body Training:

Goal: Strength + Size + Overload

Weights: Increase all lifts by 5-10 pounds

Rest periods: 2-3 minutes in between each set

Notes: Be sure to warm-up properly as noted in the muscle book. 

Exercise  Sets  Reps  Example 
Incline Barbell Bench Press
+5-10 lbs. total
(80% 1RM)
4 4  
Barbell Rows
+5-10 lbs. total
(80% 1rm)
4 4  
Standing Dumbbell Press
+5-10 lbs. total
(77.5% 1RM)
4 5  
Weighted Chinups
+5-10 lbs. total
(77.5% 1RM)
4 5  
Decline Close Grip Bench Press
+5-10 lbs. total
(77.5% 1RM)
1 6+  
Dumbbell Hammer Curls
+5-10 lbs. total
(77.5% 1RM)
1 6+  

Great work today, keep it up!

Lower Body

Back at it with hitting the lower body. The intensity has been cranked up so it’s time to get rolling. Those wheels are going to grow! You have done well so far, keep up the great work. Remember to choose weights wisely. Do not get greedy. It’s important that you are able to increase the weights each week. Form will never be sacrificed to do so.

Increase all lifts by 5-10 pounds today. 10 pounds is ideal, especially if you have estimated your 1RM properly. Everyone is different though and some training days the weights just feel heavy. That can be a sign of not eating enough, so make sure your nutrition is on point!

Muscle Book Lower Body Training:

Goal: Stimulate the muscle and provide progressive overload

Weights: Increase all lifts by 5-10 pounds

Rest periods: 2-3 minutes in between each set

Notes: Focus on form

Exercise  Sets  Reps  Example 
Barbell Front Squats
+5-10 lbs. total
(80% 1RM)
4 4  
Barbell Stiff Legged Deadlifts
+5-10 lbs. total
(80% 1rm)
4 4  
Barbell Lunges
+5-10 lbs. total
(75% 1RM)
4 6  
Weighted Hyperetensions
+5-10 lbs. total
(75% 1RM)
4 6  

Upper Body

The second upper body session for this week. It’s getting serious now. Your body should be adjusting to these lower reps at this point. It should be much easier to focus on moving maximum weight especially with these brief reps. It’s important that you continue to progress from workout to workout. 

Adding another 5-10 pounds to all lifts today. The focus is on overload, so let’s get it done!

Muscle Book Upper Body Training:

Goal: The focus is on building strength and size for your upper body.

Weights: Add 5-10 pounds to all lifts.

Rest periods: 2-3 minutes in between each set

Notes: Focus on controlling the weights.

Exercise  Sets  Reps  Example 
Incline Barbell Bench Press
+5-10 lbs. total
(80% 1RM)
4 4  
One Arm Dumbbell Rows
+5-10 lbs. total
(80% 1rm)
4 4  
Flat Dumbbell Bench Press
+5-10 lbs. total
(75% 1RM)
3 6  
Barbell Upright Rows
+5-10 lbs. total
(75% 1RM)
3 6  
Close Grip Barbell Flat Bench Press
+5-10 lbs. total
(77.5% 1RM)
1 6+  
Reverse Grip Barbell Curls
+5-10 lbs. total
(77.5% 1RM)
1 6+  

Lower Body

Last weight training session for this week. Let’s finish it off right. You’ve done well so far and let’s make sure today is the best workout of the week. Always progressing and ensuring you are better than yesterday. Today is going to really test you and your will. It’s important that you choose weights appropriately.

Add 5-10 pounds to all lifts depening upon how you felt last week. Be sure you are keeping notes in your training log to make sure you are progressing enough, but not too much, each week.

Muscle Book Leg Training:

Goal: Strength + Size + Overload

Weights: Add 5-10 pounds to all lifts.

Rest periods: 2 minutes in between each set 

Notes: Maintain form and focus

Exercise  Sets  Reps  Example 
Barbell Squats
+5-10 lbs. total
(75% 1RM)
4 6  
Deficit Deadlifts
+5-10 lbs. total
(75% 1RM)
4 6  
Hack Squats
+5-10 lbs. total
(75% 1RM)
4 6  
Barbell Stiff Legged Deadlifts
+5-10 lbs. total
(75% 1RM)
4 6  
Leg Extension
+5-10 lbs. total
(75% 1RM)
1 8+  
Lying Leg Curl
+5-10 lbs. total
(75% 1RM)
1 8+  

Active Rest Day

Closing in on only a few more active rest days. These days should be paying off in your training. Again, you can also thank these days for additional calories in your nutrition layout. This is the day where power really matters. Focus on being explosive during each burst. It’s only for a few seconds, so be sure it is all out. There are a limited number of bursts, so don’t keep things in the reserve tank. Let’s go!

A little more has been added below, so pay attention, let’s finish strong.

High Intensity Intervals

A burst followed by active recovery is 1 bout.

  • 10-15 seconds Burst
  • 1 minute – 1.5 minutes Active Recovery
  • Perform 8 bouts for this training session

After the session, be sure to stretch and then relax for the remainder of the day.

Rest Day

Welcome back to rest day. Great work this week. More weight was added and gains were made. Be sure to email me any questions you have. Remember that asking a question can help you further understand or clarify things.

Let’s get ready for week 7. Wow! Week 7 already, that’s insane. It’s arriving soon. This journey has been awesome thus far, let’s keep that up. Be sure to hit me up if you need me. Rest easy!

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About Your Trainer

“Big” Mike Smith – Muscle Book Trainer

While paving an iron path in the sport of bodybuilding, Mike has earned the reputation of “Big Mike” as he has proven his method of building muscle works in the gym. His core focus is on making his clients bigger & stronger.

“Fierce” Farrah Williams – Fem-Fit Trainer

Known for her ability to push her clients to the limit, Farrah is known by her clients as “Fierce” as she knows just how & when to push them. It is with this ability that she is able to get her clients into phenomenal shape and make them believe in themselves.

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