
Muscle Book: Week 5

Weekly Overview

It’s week 5 and the start of a new training block. Things are about to get even bigger and better than before. It’s time to amp up your training to a whole new level. The goal here is going to be more strength and even more size. Some of the exercises will change and others will remain. Repetition is key. You can get better at certain exercises by performing movements that aid in strengthening that area. However, there is no greater way to become better at something than to continue doing it. So, you want to bench more weight? Then, bench more often. There’s no need to throw in 10 variations of the bench press. You don’t see a basketball player improving their jump shot by tossing the ball at the hoop from different arms positions. The same goes for you. 

What’s the plan?

This is the second part of the 8 week training series designed to make you bigger, stronger, and better than ever. This next block will be harder and heavier. Be ready.

Your nutrition should be adjusted at this point, if not you NEED to email me and get it adjusted: [email protected]. You can also use the form at the bottom of this page and each daily page. Let the gains continue!

Increase Strength Naturally

The body utilizes ATP (adenosine triphosphate) which is the muscle cell’s main source of energy. During exercise this is depleted and converted to ADP. Under normal conditions it can take several hours to reverse this process by the metabolism of sugars. Creatine speeds up this process by supplying the needed phosphate to convert ADP back to ATP instantly. The result is longer workouts with greater muscular energy stores. You can keep these levels elevated for greater training output by consuming creatine daily: http://bit.ly/1ux9MFb

Lower Body

More muscle, more hustle, let’s go! It’s a new block and it’s time to get bigger. That’s right, there is more muscle to be earned. Believe it when I say earned. It’s the last 4 weeks of this program. You need to be making gains weekly. That’s what this is all about. It’s time to push forward and get it done!

Remember to adjust your maxes accordingly. Some lifts will remain and others will be swapped out. Remember that to get better at something, it’s all about repetition. Utilizing exercises that will pack on the muscle is the key. That’s what you get below. It’s on now!

Muscle Book Lower Body Training:

Goal: Strength + Size

Weights: New adjusted max for all lifts

Rest periods: 2-3 minutes in between each set

Notes: Be sure to have adjusted your maxes for each lift

Exercise  Sets  Reps  Example 
Barbell Squats
(80% 1RM)
4 4  
Barbell Deadlifts
(80% 1rm)
4 4  
1-Legged Leg Press
(77.5% 1RM)
4 5  
Good Mornings
(77.5% 1RM)
4 5  

Remember to log your weights to gauge progress from week to week. If you have any questions, use the form below to email me

Upper Body

The first upper body session of this series. Yesterday was pretty intense. You are using even less reps but it’s all about brute strength. You will be gaining size with this program, there’s no doubt about that. The gains are rolling in. You are eating like a mad man. The questions at the gym are already rolling in. That’s what it’s all about. People might laugh at first, but then start asking YOU questions.

Lower reps might be a bit nerve racking at first, but again the focus is on progressive overload here. Aiming to continuous overload the muscle and create gains.

Muscle Book Upper Body Training:

Goal: Strength + Size

Weights: Be sure to have adjusted 1RM’s

Rest periods: 2-3 minutes in between each set

Notes: Be sure to warm-up properly as noted in the muscle book. 

Exercise  Sets  Reps  Example 
Incline Barbell Bench Press
(80% 1RM)
4 4  
Barbell Rows
(80% 1rm)
4 4  
Standing Dumbbell Press
(77.5% 1RM)
4 5  
Weighted Chinups
(77.5% 1RM)
4 5  
Decline Close Grip Bench Press
(77.5% 1RM)
1 6+  
Dumbbell Hammer Curls
(77.5% 1RM)
1 6+  

Great work today, keep it up!

Lower Body

It’s time to go a bit heavier today as well, don’t stress out, this will build muscle. The sets have been backed off a bit to ensure you are able to adapt to the heavier training stimulus. Each week your body will continue to adapt to this approach. That is when you will add more weight to ensure the body is primed for growth.

The program will stray somewhat from the 5×5 setup and we go a bit heavier here. Keep focused on moving maximum weight and maintaining form throughout each rep. This program is intense but it is going to spark insane growth.

Muscle Book Lower Body Training:

Goal: Stimulate the muscle through repeated bouts to enable muscle adaptation and growth.

Weights: Have adjusted 1RM numbers ready.

Rest periods: 2-3 minutes in between each set

Notes: There will be no isolation work here but an increase in sets for the secondary exercises.

Exercise  Sets  Reps  Example 
Barbell Front Squats
(80% 1RM)
4 4  
Barbell Stiff Legged Deadlifts
(80% 1rm)
4 4  
Barbell Lunges
(75% 1RM)
4 6  
Weighted Hyperetensions
(75% 1RM)
4 6  

Upper Body

Back at it with the second upper body workout of the program. The movements are adjusted and the 5×5 system is utilized again. Remember, you NEED to choose an appropriate starting weight or you risk failing too soon. The goal is to strength and grow your muscles and that is accomplished with the 5×5 system.

If you have issues with any exercise in this program, please email me, and I can get it swapped out with a different exercise. The exercises given are the ideal exercise for the training day, however substitutions can be made. 

Muscle Book Upper Body Training:

Goal: The focus is on building strength and size for your upper body.

Weights: Choose a weight appropriate for the lift. You should not be near failure on your final set of each exercise

Rest periods: 2-3 minutes in between each set

Notes: Focus on controlling the weights.

Exercise  Sets  Reps  Example 
Incline Barbell Bench Press
(80% 1RM)
4 4  
One Arm Dumbbell Rows
(80% 1rm)
4 4  
Flat Dumbbell Bench Press
(75% 1RM)
3 6  
Barbell Upright Rows
(75% 1RM)
3 6  
Close Grip Barbell Flat Bench Press
(77.5% 1RM)
1 6+  
Reverse Grip Barbell Curls
(77.5% 1RM)
1 6+  

Lower Body

Hard and heavy, that’s the name of the game. During this program you are pushing your body to the max. Each week you will continue to build and progress. You may be the only person in the gym hitting your lower body 3 times per week, but you are also the only person training at max potential. Hammering away at your legs for 1 solid session per week may seem like a good idea, but it’s a rookie mistake.

Train harder and train more often. Spread out the volume and increase the training intensity. Watch your body morph into a beast.

Muscle Book Leg Training:

Goal: Strength + Size

Weights: Slightly less reps but be sure to have your adjusted 1RM’s

Rest periods: 2 minutes in between each set 

Notes: Maintain form.

Exercise  Sets  Reps  Example 
Barbell Squats
(75% 1RM)
4 6  
Deficit Deadlifts
(75% 1RM)
4 6  
Hack Squats
(75% 1RM)
4 6  
Barbell Stiff Legged Deadlifts
(75% 1RM)
4 6  
Leg Extension
(75% 1RM)
1 8+  
Lying Leg Curl
(75% 1RM)
1 8+  

Active Rest Day

Active rest day will remain under the progression you started from week one. No changes here as it is a brief cardio session followed by rest. These are the days to try to get this in early to be able to enjoy the day. It will work as a morning refresher and allow you to feel better about relaxing during the day.

Pay attention below as things have progressed further than last week.

High Intensity Intervals

A burst followed by active recovery is 1 bout.

  • 10-15 seconds Burst
  • 1 minute – 1.5 minutes Active Recovery
  • Perform 7 bouts for this training session

After the session, be sure to stretch and then relax for the remainder of the day.

Rest Day

This day was well earned this week. You hit it very hard, so rest very well. Be sure to look over your training for this week. It should be clear as to how well you can progress for the weeks to come. If it was difficult this week, be sure to not make a major jump this next week. Take today to relax and enjoy the day.

Be ready for another week of gains. Also, nutrition, I will hammer away at this to ensure you are staying on point and continuing to see progress. If you are having issues with anything, email me, and I’ll be sure to help out.

Great work this week!

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About Your Trainer

“Big” Mike Smith – Muscle Book Trainer

While paving an iron path in the sport of bodybuilding, Mike has earned the reputation of “Big Mike” as he has proven his method of building muscle works in the gym. His core focus is on making his clients bigger & stronger.

“Fierce” Farrah Williams – Fem-Fit Trainer

Known for her ability to push her clients to the limit, Farrah is known by her clients as “Fierce” as she knows just how & when to push them. It is with this ability that she is able to get her clients into phenomenal shape and make them believe in themselves.

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