
Muscle Book: Week 1

Weekly Overview

Welcome to week one of the Muscle Book Training Series. At this point you should have received your e-book and read it from front to back. It teaches the core foundation of the Muscle Book Training Series. You should have also received the link to your nurition program via email.

What’s the plan?

This is an 8 week training series designed to make you bigger, stronger, and better than ever. Get ready because this program is intense. As I said in the email, intensity is all about how close you are to your 1RM. Don’t let your bro’s fool you, this program IS INTENSE.

It will be vital that you know your one rep max for the main lifts in this program. This is ideal for gauging your progress from series to series. Each week those weights will rise and the goal is to increase your 1RM to get your STRONGER and BIGGER than ever before.

Nutrition will alos be important to this program. Be sure to use your guide as it is just that, a guide to helping you understand how much you should eat in a day. As the program progresses the numbers need to be adjusted, so feel free to save my email if you haven’t already: [email protected]. You can also use the form at the bottom of this page and each daily page.

How to get started

It’s time for me to stop talking and for you to get started. First, let’s check out how to access each week’s training, which you will see on the right column. Be sure to bookmark this page to maintain access to the program. Here’s how the weekly layout appears:

At the top of each page there are tabs; Overview (which you are in now), Day 1, Day 2, etc. 

Each day is listed out as shown. Monday would be Day 1, Sunday is Day 7. Click through them to get familiar with the plan for the week. Any questions, email me. 

Here’s an example:

Training Log

I highly encourage you to get a training notebook to write down your weights for the week. This will help determine your progress and progression. I also like to put notes next to the lifts, I normally use arrows as a guide. You can use what you prefer.

Here’s how I note them:

  • U+2191.svg = Increase Weight
  • U+2194.svg = Keep Weight the Same
  • U+2193.svg = Reduce Weight

Alright, once Monday hits be ready for day 1. One last thing, be sure to save the training email (or the link) to get back to this page so you can easily access your workout for each week. If you deleted it, save this link: http://bit.ly/1yQ5cWT

Lower Body

There is nothing better than starting off the week by working the foundation of your body, your legs. They will be the driving force to getting you bigger and stronger. Skipping legs day is simply not an option. Missing out on squats and deadlifts means a missed opportunity for your body to have an immense surge of growth hormone and testosterone surging through your body. That is simply unacceptable.

The program is going to begin by utilizing compound movements that involve multiple muscle groups and multiple joints. Then, the program will finish off with a few isolation movements to really finish things off. Do not be fooled by programs offering 20 plus sets per bodypart. That is insane. If you push yourself hard enough, your will be able to stimulate maximum muscle growth with around 6-10 sets per bodypart.

Muscle Book Lower Body Training:

Goal: Each exercise will focus on using straight sets for this portion of the program. A straight set means you pick a weight and stick with that weight for each set for the given exercise.

Weights: The goal here is to NOT go to muscle failure. The focus will be on picking a weight you could do for around 8-10 reps and condition the muscle for growth. Don’t get too greedy here or you will pay for it in the coming weeks. Aim to utilize the percent of your 1RM as noted.

Rest periods: 2-3 minutes in between each set

Notes: a +1 set is considered a set where you will do a minimum of reps laid out. Ideally you will choose a weight in which you should be able to complete the give rep number and as you get stronger you will continue to rep out that weight. So you would choose say 100 pounds and you are supposed to complete it for 8 reps, however you end up completing 9. If you only get 2 reps less than the number given, reduce the weight for the next session of a +set with the same exercise. If you get 1 less rep than the number given, maintain that weight and aim to increase it the following session.

Exercise  Sets  Reps  Example 
Barbell Squats
(75% 1RM)
4 6  
Barbell Deadlifts
(75% 1rm)
3 6  
Leg Press
(75% 1RM)
3 6  
Good Mornings
(75% 1RM)
3 6  
Leg Extension
(75% 1RM)
1 8+  
Lying Leg Curl
(75% 1RM)
1 8+  

Remember to log your weights to gauge progress from week to week. If you have any questions, use the form below to email me

Upper Body

It’s an upper body day. Remember that the goal is to build muscle here. The focus is on moving maximum weight to stimulate the muscle. Annihilating a muscle is not a long lasting approach for gains. You need to be able to breakdown the muscle but also allow it to grow and come back stronger. This is the focus for these workouts. If you train as laid out, you will grow.

Each week the weights will increase and get heavier, much heavier. So, do not get greedy and overwork yourself now and set yourself up for extreme failure in the future. Going to muscle failure too often will overtax your CNS and leave you drained of energy. Do not be fooled by those who aim to simply overtrain for fun. That is not the key to muscle growth. The key is proper stimulation and progression.

Muscle Book Upper Body Training:

Goal: The focus here is on moving the right amount of weight to stimulate growth. Targeting all major muscles of the upper body.

Weights: Again, be sure to pick a weight as it is laid out by the recommended 1RM.

Rest periods: 2-3 minutes in between each set

Notes: Be sure to warm-up properly as noted in the muscle book. Do not just move right into maximum weight and begin there or you will get injured.

Exercise  Sets  Reps  Example 
Incline Barbell Bench Press
(75% 1RM)
4 6  
Barbell Rows
(75% 1rm)
3 6  
Seated Dumbbell Press
(75% 1RM)
3 6  
Weighted Pullups
(75% 1RM)
3 6  
(Weighted) Dips
(75% 1RM)
1 8+  
Barbell Curls
(Ez Bar Curls if you have wrist pain)
(75% 1RM)
1 8+  

Day 2 is in the books, any questions, use the form below and let me know. I’m here to help

Lower Body

The 5×5 system may be something you are familiar with and have done in the past. Chances are it went ok because you got a bit greedy or you just didn’t give it time to work. Well, it’s back and it’s important to follow the protocol as it is listed below. DO NOT get greedy with the weights. Be sure to choose an appropriate weight to stimulate the muscle. Do not overdo it or you will pay for it.

Let’s really focus on working through a full range of motion through each lift. Shortening up the movement reduces the training stimulus and can limit the recruitment of more muscle fibers. Going deep in a squat helps further trigger glute and hamstrings activation. You may need to reduce the weight slightly, but it WILL be worth it.

Muscle Book Lower Body Training:

Goal: Stimulate the muscle through repeated bouts to enable muscle adaptation and growth.

Weights: Pick an appropriate weight

Rest periods: 2-3 minutes in between each set

Notes: There will be no isolation work here but an increase in sets for the secondary exercises.

Exercise  Sets  Reps  Example 
Barbell Front Squats
(77.5% 1RM)
5 5  
Barbell Stiff Legged Deadlifts
(77.5% 1rm)
5 5  
Barbell Lunges
(75% 1RM)
4 6  
Weighted Hyperetensions
(75% 1RM)
4 6  

Upper Body

Back at it with the second upper body workout of the program. The movements are adjusted and the 5×5 system is utilized again. Remember, you NEED to choose an appropriate starting weight or you risk failing too soon. The goal is to strength and grow your muscles and that is accomplished with the 5×5 system.

If you have issues with any exercise in this program, please email me, and I can get it swapped out with a different exercise. The exercises given are the ideal exercise for the training day, however substitutions can be made. 

Muscle Book Upper Body Training:

Goal: The focus is on building strength and size for your upper body.

Weights: Choose a weight appropriate for the lift. You should not be near failure on your final set of each exercise

Rest periods: 2-3 minutes in between each set

Notes: Focus on controlling the weights.

Exercise  Sets  Reps  Example 
Flat Barbell Bench Press
(77.5% 1RM)
5 5  
One Arm Dumbbell Rows
(77.5% 1rm)
5 5  
Standing Barbell Military Press
(75% 1RM)
3 6  
Barbell Upright Rows
(75% 1RM)
3 6  
Close Grip Barbell Flat Bench Press
(75% 1RM)
1 8+  
Barbell Drag Curls
(75% 1RM)
1 8+  

Lower Body

3 Lower body days in one week? Yes, as stated the focus is on stimulation and ensuring that it is repeated stimulation. Why not just all in one day? Studies have shown that muscles grow when a high level of stimulus is split up during a given training week. This allows you the opportunity to reap those benefits. This also allows you the ability to move MORE weight in a given session. Once the body becomes taxed, fatigue sets in and it becomes harder and harder to move the same weight. This is why it’s better to split up the workload into a few bouts throughout the week.

The goal is gains and you will get them. Remember to be eating the amount laid out as it will allow you to have enough fuel to push through these workouts. Right now, you may be a little angry, but in time you WILL THANK ME!

Muscle Book Leg Training:

Goal: Stimulate, don’t annihilate

Weights: The reps are a little higher which means the weights will be a little lighter. 

Rest periods: 1.5-2 minutes in between each set (reduced to lower than previous sessions)

Notes: On the first set of leg extensions and leg curls, you will do 8 reps of the same weight used for your previous plus set. This offers volume to the program. The second set you will perform a true +set at that same weight. So if you chose 100 pounds in the previous session and got 11 reps. Maintain that weight this session and do 8 reps for the first set, then as many as possible for the second set.

Exercise  Sets  Reps  Example 
Barbell Squats
(70% 1RM)
3 8  
Deficit Deadlifts
(70% 1rm)
3 8  
Hack Squats
(70% 1RM)
3 8  
Barbell Stiff Legged Deadlifts
(70% 1RM)
3 8  
Leg Extension
(75% 1RM)
2 8, 8+  
Lying Leg Curl
(75% 1RM)
2 8, 8+  

Active Rest Day

Rest is a vital part of the recovery process. Taking a rest day is advised to ensure your muscles are able to recover and rebuild from the grueling workouts this week. Rest is important for trainees of all levels. An advanced trainee is going to create a high level of training stimulus by understanding how to properly exert force during each lift. Advanced trainees may also utilize relatively high volume for training. A beginner to intermediate lifter is adapting to the training stimulus and their body is learning how to properly recover from intense training.

Today is considered active recovery. So, do not just lounge on the couch for today. The goal is to perform some level of cardio. It is ideal to perform cardio at a high intensity to stimulate the cardiovascular system as well as facilitate greater power output during training.

These need to be all out, everything you have, not a drop left in the tank bursts. Then, you will actively recover from those bursts to ensure you aid the flushing out of lactic acid in the muscles during the recovery portion.

High Intensity Intervals

A burst followed by active recovery is 1 bout.

  • 10-15 seconds Burst
  • 1 minute – 1.5 minutes Active Recovery
  • Perform 5 bouts for this training session

After the session, be sure to stretch and then relax for the remainder of the day.

Rest Day

Welcome to rest day and the day you begin planning for the week ahead. This is where you ensure the frig and cupboard is stocked with the proper food to fuel you throughout the day. Keep the junk food out of the house to limit snacking. You want to plan the week accordingly. Ensure you have enough time to train and have a backup plan as things do happen. You want to be sure to get in the training sessions as they are laid out. You could take a rest day on Wednesday’s if needed and then workout on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Be sure to have an active rest day and a full rest day each week.

You did great this week. Be sure if you have any questions, you email me. Do not wait or try to figure it out yourself, I am here to help you. This program works as long as you understand how it works. If you do not understand the “how” then be sure to email me.

Alright, that’s it for this week. Great job. Rest up. Be ready for week 2!

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About Your Trainer

“Big” Mike Smith – Muscle Book Trainer

While paving an iron path in the sport of bodybuilding, Mike has earned the reputation of “Big Mike” as he has proven his method of building muscle works in the gym. His core focus is on making his clients bigger & stronger.

“Fierce” Farrah Williams – Fem-Fit Trainer

Known for her ability to push her clients to the limit, Farrah is known by her clients as “Fierce” as she knows just how & when to push them. It is with this ability that she is able to get her clients into phenomenal shape and make them believe in themselves.

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