
Muscle Book: Oct 13 2014

Weekly Breakdown

Who’s hitting personal records in their lifts since we began the Muscle Book program? If you’re just joining us, I want to remind you that we are here to grow stronger and bigger. We build muscle. But… if you have been pussy-footing during these training days, then your growth has been stunted. That’s a shame. A damn shame. This isn’t some nifty “workout”. This is training. Training your body, your mentality, the way you approach your days and the way you end them. This is training to strengthen the body, to grow as much muscle as you can, to be as strong as you can be. It takes time. It takes discipline and intensity. If you can’t or don’t want to do this, your local gym probably has a Zumba class available. Chain tassels included.

Personal best week. Get your mind right. Lift.

Legs & Calves

*warm-up on the elliptical for 10 minutes or upright bike
*warm-up 3 sets of 20 reps, light weight

Today’s Nutrition Macros:

Calories Per Meal: 355-375
Protein Per Meal: 40-44 grams
Carbohydrates Per Meal: 60-70 grams
Fat Per Meal: 7-8 grams

Per Day Calorie Totals: 3255 cals/ 280g protein/ 400g carb/ 70g fat

Weight Training:

Perform cardio in between sets as listed

Exercise  Sets  Reps 
Barbell Back Squats (PR) 5 12, 10, 06, 03, 01
Barbell Front Squat (PR) 5 12, 10, 06, 03, 01
45 Degree Leg Press (PR) 5 14, 12, 10, 06, 04, 02
Walking Lunges 3 20 Total Paces
Standing Calf Raises 4 25
Seated Calf Raises 4 25

Chest Day

*warm-up, 10 minutes, treadmill, moderate
*warm-up, 3 sets shoulder press, 15 reps, light

Today’s Nutrition Macros:

Calories Per Meal: 300-305
Protein Per Meal: 40-44 grams
Carbohydrates Per Meal: 55-60 grams
Fat Per Meal: 7-8 grams

Per Day Calorie Totals: 3020 cals/ 250g protein/ 350g carb/ 70g fat

Weight Training:

*cardio, steady, 40-45 mins.*

Exercise  Sets  Reps 
Barbell Flat Bench Press 4 08, 06, 04, 01 (pr)
Incline Barbell Chest Press 4 08, 06, 04, 01 (pr)
Decline Barbell Chest Press 4 08, 06, 04, 01 (pr)
Low Cable Crossovers 3 (weight increase) to failure
High Cable Crossovers 3 (weight increase) to failure


*warm-up, 10 minutes, upright bike, moderate
**warm-up 3 sets of 20 reps, light weight

Introducing the “Camp Out”… This is where we will utilize 4 cable exercises to focus on the lats and really bring them beyond exhaustion. You will use a moderate weight and rep each exercise as a triple set, for 4 sets. Use only 2 minutes between sets for recovery, weight increase per set. See: Camp Out below

Today’s Nutrition Macros:

Calories Per Meal: 300-305
Protein Per Meal: 40-44 grams
Carbohydrates Per Meal: 60-70 grams
Fat Per Meal: 7-8 grams

Per Day Calorie Totals: 3120 cals/ 250g protein/ 360g carb/ 70g fat

Weight Training:


Exercise  Sets  Reps 
Barbell Deadlift 5 08, 06, 04, 02, 01 (pr)
Bent-Over Barbell Row 3 14, 12, 10
Camp Out
A) Lat Pulldown
B) Underhand Lat Pulldown
C) Seated Neutral Grip Row
D) Straight Bar Pulldown
40 reps = 1 set, 4 sets total 10 Per exercise

No Strength Training

Today’s Nutrition Macros:

Calories Per Meal: 300-305
Protein Per Meal: 40-44 grams
Carbohydrates Per Meal: 38-40 grams
Fat Per Meal: 7-8 grams

Per Day Calorie Totals: 2870 cals/ 250g protein/ 227g carb/ 70g fat


Warm up on a step mill or upright bike for about 10 minutes on a moderate pace.

Today’s Nutrition Macros:

Calories Per Meal: 300-305
Protein Per Meal: 40-44 grams
Carbohydrates Per Meal: 60-70 grams
Fat Per Meal: 7-8 grams

Per Day Calorie Totals: 3020 cals/ 250g protein/ 350g carb/ 70g fat

Weight Training:

Exercise  Sets  Reps 
Barbell curl 5 12, 10, 08, 04, 02 (pr)
Weighted Dips 5 12, 10, 08, 04, 02 (pr)
Seated Alternating Dumbbell Curls 5 12, 10, 08, 04, 02 (pr)
Ez-Bar Seated French Press 5 12, 10, 08, 04, 02 (pr)
Concentration Curls 4 12, 10, 08, 06
Underhand Tricep Pulldown 5 12, 10, 08, 04, 02 (pr)

Delts & Traps

Warm up on a step mill or upright bike for about 10 minutes on a moderate pace.
Be sure to increase weight with each set.

Today’s Nutrition Macros:

Calories Per Meal: 300-305
Protein Per Meal: 40-44 grams
Carbohydrates Per Meal: 60-70 grams
Fat Per Meal: 7-8 grams

Per Day Calorie Totals: 3020 cals/ 250g protein/ 350g carb/ 70g fat

Weight Training:

Exercise  Sets  Reps 
Overhead Barbell Shoulder Press 5 08, 06, 04, 02, 01 (pr)
Barbell Upright Row 5 08, 06, 04, 02, 02
Dumbbell Overhead Press 5 08, 06, 04, 02, 01 (pr)
Dumbbell Side Raises 4 12, 10, 08, 04
Plate Front Raise 4 to failure
Bent-Over Dumbbell Fly 4 to failure
Seated Dumbbell Shrugs 4 to failure
Barbell Shrugs 3 to failure

No Strength Training

Today’s Nutrition Macros:

Calories Per Meal: 300-305
Protein Per Meal: 40-44 grams
Carbohydrates Per Meal: 38-40 grams
Fat Per Meal: 7-8 grams

Per Day Calorie Totals: 2870 cals/ 250g protein/ 227g carb/ 70g fat

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About Your Trainer

Cavino Johnson – Muscle Book Trainer

A decade into the sport of natural bodybuilding, Cavino has won many competitions and currently holds a pro card. He also has personal training, group fitness and sports nutrition certifications that allows him to own his own private training service.

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