Athletic Xtreme Product Support Center

How do people detect pheromones?

Last Updated: Jan 08, 2012 04:37PM MST
While the precise method by which humans detect pheromones is still highly controversial, it is believe that humans either detect pheromones through the use of the Vomeronasal gland (VNO) or through olfactory receptors…and we’re going to remain 100% honest about that. While the scientific verdict is still out on the exact mechanism by which they work, what we do know is that pheromones DO work! The VNO is a tiny gland located roughly 3 inches inside the nose, and is believe to be one of the mechanisms by which people detect pheromones. When a pheromone is detected, a powerful chemical signal is sent to very primitive regions of our brain, where the information is processed. And, recent, cutting-edge science is unraveling this mystery even further with the discovery of the V1RL1 gene that codes for a pheromone receptor!

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