Week 4 is about to be in the books. It’s going to be a defining week for you. You will have the ability to be up 30 pounds on your lifts since the start of this program. The weeks leading up to this were a series of accumulating & progressive sessions to get here. Your body is primed and ready. Your nutrition should be up to date so there is a full tank just waiting to be burned through. It’s time to get it done.
30 pounds? Yes, that is right. Based upon the estimation you should have increased your max on every lift. It’s all about progression. Ensuring that you prime the body to push harder than before. Don’t worry the road is still uphill from here but at the end it’ll be PR after PR after PR. You will have sparked some insane muscle growth. It’s time to get to it!
Here’s a litle homework for you. I want you to think about the person you want to be. If you are already that person, great. If you have a set goal or some future version of yourself, envision that person. Keep that person fresh in your mind this week. It’s important to remind yourself of where you are headed. We can often get stuck with where we are in life, but if you focus and envision your goals, you can get there faster.
Day 1 of week 4. It is almost the midpoint of the program and the gains should rolling in. Nutrition should have been adjusted at this point to ensure you have the proper fuel to get threw these workouts. Your muscles should be looking fuller by now. People are beginning to take notice. Especially since you are the guy hitting legs three days per week like a madman.
As I said last week, this week is a mid program peak! There will be more weight added and that depends on you. Ideally you will push it to the max this week. Aim to increase between 5-10 pounds on all lifts. Be sure that each lift is completed with complete range as well as proper form. Let’s get it done!
Goal: Continue increasing muscle recruitment and motor unit firing.
Weights: Increase each lift by another 5-10 pounds. If you struggled on the last 1-2 sets, then stick to a 5 pound increase. If you got all reps, then increase by 10 pounds. So, week 1 may have been 200 pounds, week 2 was 210 pounds, week 3 will be between 215-220. This week it’d be 225-230.
Rest periods: 2-3 minutes in between each set
Notes: Keep a mental focus on achieving all sets and all reps.
Exercise | Sets | Reps | Example |
Barbell Squats +20-30 lbs. total (75% 1RM) |
4 | 6 | |
Barbell Deadlifts +20-30 lbs. total (75% 1rm) |
3 | 6 | |
Leg Press +20-30 lbs. total (75% 1RM) |
3 | 6 | |
Good Mornings +20-30 lbs. total (75% 1RM) |
3 | 6 | |
Leg Extension +20-30 lbs. total (75% 1RM) |
1 | 8+ | |
Lying Leg Curl +20-30 lbs. total (75% 1RM) |
1 | 8+ |
Wooooooo! Way to work today!
Yesterday was brutal. It should’ve been brutal anyways and today will be just the same. Pushing things to the max! It’s time to really step it up and work. This is the mid-program peak and you need to finish strong!
The weights will be increased today and these should be PRs, so great work! Focus on squeezing out each rep. Grind it out if you need to but keep pushing. Remember to always maintain form and proper depth. There should be no hip thrusting on any movement today.
Goal: Hit new PRs!
Weights: Add another 5-10 pounds to all lifts.
Rest periods: 2-3 minutes in between each set
Notes: Keep focused on keeping EVERY rep clean and through a full ROM.
Exercise | Sets | Reps | Example |
Incline Barbell Bench Press +20-30 lbs. total (75% 1RM) |
4 | 6 | |
Barbell Rows +20-30 lbs. total (75% 1rm) |
3 | 6 | |
Seated Dumbbell Press |
3 | 6 | |
Weighted Pullups +20-30 lbs. total (75% 1RM) |
3 | 6 | |
(Weighted) Dips +20-30 lbs. total (75% 1RM) |
1 | 8+ | |
Barbell Curls +20-30 lbs. total (Ez Bar Curls if you have wrist pain) (75% 1RM) |
1 | 8+ |
There you go, very nice workout today!
Midweek and the toll is setting in. You need to dig deep, you have it in you so keep pushing. It’s all about progress. You know you can so do not overthink it. Just Lift. That’s what you need to focus on. Get to the gym and get it done today. You’ve got this!
Here comes more weight. Another 5-10 pounds today and more PRs in the books. Great work and remember this is just about the halfway point so there are plenty more gains to come!
Goal: Set new PRs.
Weights: Add another 5-10 pounds to all lifts.
Rest periods: 2-3 minutes in between each set
Notes: Maintain proper form.
Exercise | Sets | Reps | Example |
Barbell Front Squats +20-30 lbs. total (77.5% 1RM) |
5 | 5 | |
Barbell Stiff Legged Deadlifts +20-30 lbs. total (77.5% 1rm) |
5 | 5 | |
Barbell Lunges +20-30 lbs. total (75% 1RM) |
4 | 6 | |
Weighted Hyperetensions +20-30 lbs. total (75% 1RM) |
4 | 6 |
The fun continues! You can’t get enough! Back at it with upper body and there’s no time to waste. It’s been a solid few weeks thus far and that needs to continue. It doesn’t get easier from here, you just get stronger AND bigger. The weights are increasing but you don’t notice because the beast in you is being unleashed!
It’s time to increase those weeks for a solid peak during this fourth week. The focus on control and solid reps continues. Trying to be a showoff in the gym would put you at risk for injury. Keep up the solid progress today and lets get to work!
Goal: The focus is on building strength and size for your upper body.
Weights: add another 5-10 pounds to all lifts.
Rest periods: 2-3 minutes in between each set
Notes: Focus on controlling the weights.
Exercise | Sets | Reps | Example |
Flat Barbell Bench Press +20-30 lbs. total (77.5% 1RM) |
5 | 5 | |
One Arm Dumbbell Rows +20-30 lbs. total (77.5% 1rm) |
5 | 5 | |
Standing Barbell Military Press +20-30 lbs. total (75% 1RM) |
3 | 6 | |
Barbell Upright Rows +20-30 lbs. total (75% 1RM) |
3 | 6 | |
Close Grip Barbell Flat Bench Press +20-30 lbs. total (75% 1RM) |
1 | 8+ | |
Barbell Drag Curls +20-30 lbs. total (75% 1RM) |
1 | 8+ |
Keep that chin held high today. You have been pushing hard and you’ve been busy making gains. Let’s keep that going. Finish off your last weight training session strong. You’ve done great so far, I’m proud of you. Let’s push through this one.
The weights are going up another 5-10 pounds, so be ready. This is the last one for this week though before things get changed up a bit next week. You’ve got this, let’s get it in the books.
Goal: Stimulate, don’t annihilate
Weights: Add another 5-10 pounds to all lifts
Rest periods: 1.5-2 minutes in between each set (reduced to lower than previous sessions)
Notes: Get it done and finish strong.
Exercise | Sets | Reps | Example |
Barbell Squats +20-30 lbs. total (70% 1RM) |
3 | 8 | |
Deficit Deadlifts +20-30 lbs. total (70% 1rm) |
3 | 8 | |
Hack Squats +20-30 lbs. total (70% 1RM) |
3 | 8 | |
Barbell Stiff Legged Deadlifts +20-30 lbs. total (70% 1RM) |
3 | 8 | |
Leg Extension +20-30 lbs. total (75% 1RM) |
2 | 8, 8+ | |
Lying Leg Curl +20-30 lbs. total (75% 1RM) |
2 | 8, 8+ |
Epic, just epic!
How is this day treating you? Good? Not so good? Let me know. This day is important and it’s a MUST, so you cannot be skipping it. If there’s an issue, email me and we can get it squared away. Just remember you can eat BIGGER and train HARDER because of this day. Do not allow this opportunity to slip through your hands.
Another 6 bouts is on the way. Finish strong!
A burst followed by active recovery is 1 bout.
After the session, be sure to stretch and then relax for the remainder of the day.
There you go. Way to work this week. You got it done and done well. I’m very proud of you and your progress. Next week things will change up a bit. Focus on resting easy for today. Look over your training notes and check your progress. Things have gone well and the weights increased each week. There is more of that in store over the next few weeks.
These are the days where it’s important to get a fresh take on the new week. This is usually the day I may watch a movie of some sort. It helps keep the drive alive. Inspiration is always a great motivator. Whether it’s a movie about a war hero or whomever that may inspire you. Shoot me an email and let me know what you decided to do.
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About Your Trainer
“Big” Mike Smith – Muscle Book Trainer
While paving an iron path in the sport of bodybuilding, Mike has earned the reputation of “Big Mike” as he has proven his method of building muscle works in the gym. His core focus is on making his clients bigger & stronger.
“Fierce” Farrah Williams – Fem-Fit Trainer
Known for her ability to push her clients to the limit, Farrah is known by her clients as “Fierce” as she knows just how & when to push them. It is with this ability that she is able to get her clients into phenomenal shape and make them believe in themselves.